Nov 08, 2023
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Intelligent Quoting

Intelligent Quoting

more 1 year
South Africa, Johannesburg
Service categories


The company specialises in assessing commercial vehicles damaged in accidents, sourcing new and spare parts, coordinating with insurance houses for approval, and facilitating repairs to return vehicles to the road promptly. Problem Faced: The stakeholders in the industry, including assessors, repair shops, and insurance houses, were reliant on outdated paper-based methods for recording information and seeking approvals. This inefficient process resulted in a prolonged turnaround time, often taking weeks to get a commercial vehicle back on the road after an accident.


Solution Provided: A comprehensive digital solution was developed to streamline the entire workflow. This solution was implemented through mobile apps designed to digitize the previously manual processes involving all stakeholders.
Solution Provided: A comprehensive digital solution was developed to streamline the entire workflow. This solution was implemented through mobile apps designed to digitize the previously manual processes involving all stakeholders.


Impact of the Solution: The adoption of this digital workflow allowed for real-time data access, up-to-date pricing, and a quicker approval process. As a result, the time required to return commercial vehicles to operation was significantly reduced.
Impact of the Solution: The adoption of this digital workflow allowed for real-time data access, up-to-date pricing, and a quicker approval process. As a result, the time required to return commercial vehicles to operation was significantly reduced.