Top Web Development Companies in the Netherlands

Last updated: July 2024

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List of the Best Web Development Companies in the Netherlands


Frequently Asked Questions

The best web development companies in the Netherlands commonly leverage popular web development technologies such as React, Angular, and Node.js for front-end development. While frameworks like Laravel and Django are prevalent for back-end development, a balanced mix of robust and versatile tools is needed.

You can select the ideal web development company in the Netherlands by assessing their expertise in your project requirements. Examining past successful projects and ensuring alignment with your budget and timeline will also be helpful. Partner with top web development companies in the Netherlands for transformative digital experiences and unparalleled expertise.

While the Netherlands is a thriving hub for startups, specific tax incentives and grants for web app development may vary. However, the country's favorable business climate, strategic location, and strong government support for innovation contribute to its status as one of Europe's leading startup ecosystems. Amsterdam, in particular, stands out as a rapidly growing startup hub, fostering a dynamic environment for entrepreneurial ventures in web app development.

The average turnaround time for website development in the Netherlands varies based on complexity. If you're going for a straightforward website, you're looking at about 250 to 300 hours. However, if you're diving into a complex project, it could also take more than 1,500 hours. It's a case of the more features and complexity, the more time it takes. So, consider working with the best web development companies in the Netherlands to get a spot-on estimate when planning your website journey.

Some top web development companies in the Netherlands commonly provide post-launch support and maintenance services. Ensuring the smooth functioning of your website, they offer ongoing assistance, address issues, and implement updates to keep your online presence optimal. This commitment to post-launch support ensures long-term reliability and performance for your web project. However, it's important to analyze customer reviews to gain an accurate understanding of how effective such services actually are. 

Digital Silk is well-known among the best web development companies in the Netherlands. It has a track record of getting results for a diverse clientele, including renowned names like SONY, Northwestern University, P&G, EV Universe, SNP Therapeutics, Xerox, and NYU. Specializing in branding, custom web design, e-commerce development, and SEO, Digital Silk drives higher conversions and amplifies online brand growth for businesses ranging from startups to Fortune 500 companies.

The average cost of developing a website in the Netherlands typically ranges from €54 to €$108 or more. However, the actual costs depend on various factors. Some of these factors include the project's complexity, features, and customization requirements. Given this, businesses need to prioritize their communication with web developers as it can help them gain an accurate estimate of what they are likely to be charged. 

Certainly, you can hire a web development company in the Netherlands for a remote project. Many companies offer remote collaboration. They provide expertise and deliver high-quality web development services irrespective of your geographical location. However, various factors must be considered before working with some of the best web development companies in the Netherlands. This includes project objectives, budget, developer capabilities, and past projects. 

The cost of living in the Netherlands influences the overall cost of web development as it directly impacts labor expenses. With a relatively higher cost of living, labor costs are reflective of skilled professionals' remuneration. This factor contributes to the overall project cost, influencing budget considerations for web development services in the country.

Buyer's guide

The modern world of tech has undoubtedly transformed how we live and conduct business. Web development is a cornerstone of this technological evolution. Maintaining an efficient online presence requires the services of skilled web development companies. 

Top web development companies in the Netherlands are at the forefront of driving this digital progress.

Recent stats give a promising outlook regarding IT services in the Netherlands. Looking ahead to 2028, there's an exciting anticipation of steady revenue growth at a rate of 6.23% annually in the Netherlands. This optimistic trend is set to propel the market volume to an impressive US$30.41 billion by 2028. That said, it's not just about tulips and windmills anymore. The Netherlands is emerging as a hotbed for digital innovation, making waves in the ever-evolving digital market.

This blog will help you choose the best web development companies in the Netherlands. We aim to assist IT leaders and developers in making informed decisions aligning with their business goals. These goals will ultimately foster a digital landscape that reflects innovation and excellence.

The Vital Role of Web Development

The importance of web development cannot be overstated in today's market. It's become the main force in sustaining a compelling online presence. For IT companies, CEOs, developers, and their clients, the intrinsic value of effective web development lies in its impact on business success. So it's important to know the top web development companies in the Netherlands, the salaries, and the living costs of the country!

Talking about web development is the conduit through which businesses communicate and interact with their target audiences in the digital sphere. A well-crafted and functioning website facilitates brand representation, user engagement, and transactional activities. A recent survey found that 94% of first impressions regarding a website's credibility are design-related. This underscores web development's critical role in shaping user perceptions and building trust.

Besides, responsive web development has become imperative with the pervasive shift towards mobile-centric experiences. The cherry on top is that 85% of adults believe that a company's website, when accessed on a mobile device, should be just as good if not better than its desktop counterpart. Failure to prioritize mobile responsiveness can lead to a substantial loss of potential customers and hinder user satisfaction.

Beyond aesthetics and functionality, the speed at which a website loads is paramount. Studies reveal that 47% of consumers expect a web page to be loaded in two seconds or less, emphasizing the necessity for efficient web development practices to enhance user experience and prevent bounce rates. Plus, 88% of online consumers are unlikely to revisit a website if they've had a negative experience. That is why you must choose the best web development companies in the Netherlands.

Market Overview: Current Trends in Web Development 

2024 is a pivotal year marked by transformative trends and technological evolution. The intersection of innovation and user expectations is reshaping how individuals interact with the digital realm. Among the array of trends shaping the future of web design, a few stalwarts stand out and are significantly influencing the Netherlands' web development scene:

  1. Blockchain Technology
  2. Progressive Web Apps (PWA)
  3. Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)
  4. Cloud Computing
  5. No-code/Low-code Development

Revolutionizing security and transparency, blockchain finds its roots in the foundations of Dutch web development, ensuring robust and secure digital experiences. With a focus on delivering app-like experiences on the web, PWAs have become a cornerstone in the Netherlands, seamlessly combining the best of both worlds for users.

Catering to mobile-first preferences, AMP is amplifying the speed and accessibility of web pages across the Dutch digital sphere. Embraced for its scalability and efficiency, cloud computing is reshaping the Dutch web development landscape, ensuring seamless integration and deployment. Simplifying the development process, no-code/low-code solutions are gaining traction, empowering Dutch developers to create robust applications with greater ease.

Technical Expertise of the Netherlands-based Developers

When choosing a web development team, businesses weigh various factors like cost, delivery time, and after-sales service. However, one often overlooked but critical factor is the technical expertise of the developers. 

Developers based in the Netherlands showcase a strong technical expertise that meets global standards of excellence in web development. They excel in multiple programming languages and frameworks, possessing a deep understanding of the technologies driving contemporary digital experiences.

These Dutch developers are adept at using various tools, such as Laravel in PHP, Django in Python, and Spring Boot in Java, reflecting their versatility in crafting robust web applications. Additionally, their familiarity with JavaScript frameworks like Angular, React, and Vue.js highlights their skill in creating dynamic and engaging user interfaces.

Popular Technologies and Frameworks

The best web development companies in the Netherlands exemplify sophisticated technical abilities. They consistently deploy cutting-edge technologies and frameworks to deliver exceptional digital solutions. Let's focus on the popular technologies and frameworks these developers embrace.


Angular is a powerful open-source framework for building dynamic single-page web applications. Its comprehensive set of features and modular architecture make it a popular choice among Netherlands-based developers for creating sophisticated and responsive user interfaces.

Key Features

  • Two-Way Data Binding: Automatic synchronization between the model and view ensures real-time updates.
  • Modular Architecture: Organizing code into modules for maintainability, scalability, and code reusability.
  • Dependency Injection: Facilitates the creation and management of components, enhancing modularity.
  • RxJS Integration: Utilizes reactive programming with RxJS for handling asynchronous operations.


React is a dominant force in front-end web development. Renowned for its declarative and component-based architecture, React empowers Netherlands-based developers to create interactive and scalable user interfaces with unparalleled efficiency.

Key Features

  • Virtual DOM: Efficiently updates and renders only the changed components, optimizing performance.
  • Component-Based Architecture: Encourages the creation of reusable and modular components, facilitating code maintainability.
  • JSX (JavaScript XML): A syntax extension allowing the embedding of HTML-like code within JavaScript for enhanced readability.
  • Unidirectional Data Flow: Ensures predictable data flow, simplifying state management.


Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. Emphasizing ease of integration and flexibility, Vue.js has gained popularity among Netherlands-based developers as a versatile solution for crafting interactive and dynamic front-end applications.

Key Features

  • Reactive Data Binding: Facilitates automatic updates between the model and the view, simplifying state management.
  • Component-Based Architecture: Encourages the creation of modular and reusable components for efficient development.
  • Vue CLI (Command Line Interface): A powerful tool for scaffolding and managing Vue.js projects.
  • Directives: Special tokens in the markup that instruct the library on how to do something to a DOM element.


Laravel is a formidable framework within the PHP ecosystem. It's renowned for its elegant syntax, developer-friendly features, and robust performance. As a preferred choice among the best web development companies in the Netherlands, Laravel has proven instrumental in crafting powerful and scalable web applications.

Key Features

  • Eloquent ORM: Laravel's ORM simplifies database interactions, allowing developers to work with databases using eloquent and expressive syntax.
  • Blade Templating Engine: A lightweight yet powerful templating engine for designing dynamic and engaging views.
  • Artisan Console: A command-line tool facilitating various development tasks, from database migrations to code generation.
  • Middleware: Enables the creation of modular and reusable components to filter HTTP requests.


Django is a robust web framework written in Python. It emerges as a formidable giant in the arsenal of web development tools. Well known for its simplicity, scalability, and adherence to the "Don't Repeat Yourself" (DRY) principle, Django is a preferred choice among the top web development companies in the Netherlands for building web applications with efficiency and elegance.

Key Features

  • Object-Relational Mapping (ORM): Simplifies database interactions, allowing developers to work with Python objects instead of SQL queries.
  • Django Admin Panel: A built-in admin interface for effortless content management and administrative tasks.
  • MVC Architecture: Adheres to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern for structured and maintainable code.
  • Batteries-Included Philosophy: A comprehensive set of libraries and features, minimizing the need for external dependencies.

Web Development Case Studies

Before working with web developers, businesses must understand what the service entails. Provided below are a few case studies highlighting challenges and opportunities within web development. Businesses can achieve digital excellence by aligning their projects with the expertise of the best web development companies in the Netherlands.


Trendyol is a major e-commerce platform aimed to enhance user experience on its Product Listing Page (PLP) and boost its responsiveness. They focus on Interaction with Next Paint (INP) as a key metric measuring how quickly a website responds to user input.

Initially, Trendyol's PLP had a high INP of 963 milliseconds, indicating a poor user experience. They discovered that a script occupied the main thread for too long, affecting responsiveness. To pinpoint the problem, Trendyol used tools like PageSpeed Insights (PSI) and Chrome DevTools. They found that an Intersection Observer API callback inside a React component was causing a significant delay. The use of the setState operation within this callback was identified as a performance bottleneck.

To address the issue, Trendyol employed a technique involving setTimeout to break up the long task into smaller chunks. This allowed the browser to handle higher-priority work, improving the overall responsiveness of the PLP. It's worth noting that Trendyol used the PuzzleJs framework for micro-frontend architecture with React v16.9.0.

After implementing these improvements, Trendyol conducted an A/B test and observed positive results. The INP on the PLP was reduced by 50%, signifying better responsiveness. Additionally, there was a 1% increase in click-through rates from the PLP to the Product Detail Page per user session.

Optimizing INP is complex, but Trendyol's approach involved identifying and addressing issues using tools like PSI and DevTools. They emphasized the importance of giving the browser opportunities to handle urgent tasks, making the website more responsive, and enhancing the overall user experience.

REB and Flatline Agency

In 2007, a family-owned real estate firm in Amsterdam, REB Projects B.V., wanted to make its website more user-friendly and innovative. The website had some problems, like how it looked and how fast it worked. Flatline Agency, a web development-based company in the Netherlands, looked into these issues and suggested solutions.

Upon a thorough investigation, Flatline Agency identified key issues within the REB website. The issues constituted spanning user interface, performance, automated deployments, testing, and security. The user interface required refinement to align with the evolving needs of their target audience. 

To revamp the site's appearance, they decided to tweak the design without doing a complete overhaul. For speed improvements, they optimized how the website stores temporary information and refined the background code with a tool called Linter. 

Rigorous testing, including unit tests and setting up continuous integration/deployment pipelines, was employed so REB didn't have to check everything manually. To bolster security, they used SonarQube, a tool that spots and fixes potential issues in the website's code.

The results were impactful, significantly boosting overall website performance and improving UI/UX. The REB website became more user-friendly and innovative – exactly what REB had envisioned.

Education and Talent Pool

Several prestigious universities in the Netherlands recognize education's paramount role in nurturing tomorrow's tech talents and have taken the lead in offering cutting-edge web development courses. Given below is a list of the top ten universities in the Netherlands that are offering web development courses:

  1. Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)
  2. Eindhoven University of Technology
  3. Radboud University Nijmegen
  4. University of Groningen
  5. University of Twente

Bootcamps play a pivotal role in addressing the urgent need for skilled web developers in today's competitive job market. Unlike conventional academic routes, these immersive programs emphasize hands-on experience. They often focus on real-world projects and industry-relevant technologies. Given below is a list of boot camps in the Netherlands that are offering web development courses:

  1. Codaisseur: Based in Amsterdam, Codaisseur offers intensive coding bootcamps, including full-stack web development.
  2. Ironhack: Offers web development boot camps in Amsterdam, covering front-end and back-end technologies.
  3. Le Wagon: Le Wagon conducts coding bootcamps in Amsterdam, including a full-stack web development program.
  4. Ubiqum Code Academy: Provides coding boot camps, including web development courses, in Amsterdam.

Talent Pool 

The Netherlands has a strong IT industry and a pool of skilled web developers. Amsterdam, in particular, has a thriving tech scene with a high demand for web developers. However, like many countries, there is a continuous demand for skilled professionals. Employers often look for developers with a mix of education and practical experience.

  • Multilingual Talent: The Netherlands attracts international talent, and many professionals are multilingual, which benefits companies with diverse teams and global clients.
  • Tech Communities: Cities like Amsterdam host vibrant tech communities and meetups where developers can network and stay updated on industry trends.
  • Remote Work Trends: Alongside the rise of remote work, companies in the Netherlands also tap into a global talent pool, allowing them to access skilled web developers from various locations.
  • Government Initiatives: The Dutch government, in collaboration with educational institutions and businesses, often promotes initiatives to boost digital skills and encourage students to pursue careers in technology.

Web Developer Salary in the Netherlands

In the Netherlands, the estimated total pay for a Web Developer is €5,275 per month. So, the average base salary is €3,275 per month. This total pay includes additional compensation of around €2,000 per month. The best web development companies in the Netherlands provide additional compensation through cash bonuses, commissions, tips, and profit sharing. 

Regarding front-developers in the Netherlands, they enjoy monthly earnings ranging from $4,500 to $7,500. For those residing in Amsterdam, the annual income can reach up to €63,176. It's important to know that income levels can vary significantly in different regions across the country. 

Cost of Living in the Netherlands

Living costs in the Netherlands vary by city. Amsterdam is quite pricier compared to Rotterdam and The Hague. Meanwhile, smaller cities like Eindhoven and Hoofddorp tend to have slightly lower expenses. Before factoring in rent, the estimated monthly living expenses in Amsterdam, covering transportation and dining out, are around €930. 

In Rotterdam, the cost is approximately €800, and in The Hague, it's about €750. These figures are approximate. It's essential to note that the higher costs align with a generally higher standard of living and vice versa. 

Why Choose Netherlands

The Netherlands stands out as a prime destination for web development. Having a robust talent pool and unparalleled technical expertise, not to forget a culture of continuous innovation. Dutch developers consistently deliver high-quality solutions alongside a highly educated workforce and proficiency in cutting-edge technologies. It clearly shows that the country needs more of these skilled professionals. 


If we look at it this way, 2024 will bring a whole lot of opportunities in the Netherlands, especially in the web development sector. With a rich talent pool, technical prowess, and a culture deeply rooted in innovation, the country has too much to offer for IT companies. The strategic balance of a highly educated workforce, cutting-edge technologies, and collaborative ecosystems in cities like Amsterdam and Rotterdam positions the Netherlands at the forefront of web development excellence. 

The Dutch landscape provides the foundation for impactful and successful web development endeavors. This makes it an imperative choice for those seeking cutting-edge solutions and unparalleled expertise. For unparalleled web solutions, consider the top web development companies in the Netherlands. 


  • "Flatline Agency - We Make You Pulse." Flatline Agency - Custom Development, Challenge the Status Quo, Accessed 26 Dec. 2023.
  •  "How Much Does a Web Developer in Amsterdam, Netherlands Make?" Glassdoor,,9_IM1112_KO10,23.htm. Accessed 26 Dec. 2023.
  • "Our Programs." Ubiqum Code Academy, Accessed 26 Dec. 2023.
  • "Coding Bootcamp in Amsterdam, Netherlands." Coding Bootcamp Le Wagon | Most Acclaimed Coding Bootcamp Worldwide, Accessed 26 Dec. 2023.
  • “Codaisseur Academy.” Codaisseur Academy, Accessed 26 Dec. 2023.
  • "Join Our Bootcamp and Learn Web Development." Ironhack Amsterdam, Accessed 26 Dec. 2023.
  • Livingstone. "Why Is Your Website Design Not Driving Online Success?" Spyderweb Digital Solutions, 21 Sept. 2023,
  • "IT Services - Netherlands." Statista, Accessed 26 Dec. 2023.