Jun 20, 2023
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Nativis Projex

Nativis Projex

7-12 months
United Kingdom
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Service categories
Service Lines
Software Development
Domain focus
Travel & Hospitality
Programming language
CMS solutions
Software Development
Startups Software


Nativis requested our services to build the Nativix Projex mobile app, a unique app for host management oriented towards hosting with special needs. The mobile app should be able to provide rental services as well as facilitate the purchase of real state. It was very important for our client that the ecological spirit of this endevour was highlighted. Favoring communication through social interactions between users.


Alluxi suggested a Hybrid mobile app as it would allow us to quickly launch for the iOS and Android users. Additionally we provided an admin tools which allows the client to monitor and control all operations that happen on the app.
Alluxi suggested a Hybrid mobile app as it would allow us to quickly launch for the iOS and Android users. Additionally we provided an admin tools which allows the client to monitor and control all operations that happen on the app.


The app has grown in scope and functionality and currently allows users to post their properties, making it an ideal space for owners, landlords, and real estate agents to showcase their offerings. Not only that, but interested parties such as potential tenants, house hunters, and property investors can also use the platform to easily find and compare various rental properties, catering to a range of budgets, tastes, and locations.