May 15, 2023
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Restoring Reputation and Regaining Trust

Restoring Reputation and Regaining Trust

4-6 months
United States
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Service categories
Service Lines
Big Data
IT Services
Domain focus
Consumer Products & Services
Retail and Restaurants
IT Services


Counterfeit products have become a major issue for our clients, with fake versions of their items sold online and in physical stores. Not only does this damage the brand's reputation, but it also leads to customer dissatisfaction due to the poor quality of the fake items. Main problems: - Damaged authentic brands’ reputation - Fake product liability claims - Loss of sales


We created a specialized team of experts to tackle this issue on behalf of our client, using our AI software and expertise to identify and locate counterfeit products. Our team worked closely with online platforms and physical stores to remove fake items from the market. We also implemented measures to protect our client's designs and intellectual property, such as trademark registration and patent applications. We trained our client's employees to help them identify counterfeit products and take appropriate action.


In 12 months of working with our client, we detected and terminated 8,000 threats worth $12 million. Our efforts not only protected our client's brand but ensured customer satisfaction with authentic products. Our client's reputation was restored, and they regained lost sales and trust with their business partners.