Bugendaitech FZCO
Jul 12, 2022
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HeathCare Clinical Portal
4-6 months
United States
Service categories
Service Lines
Artificial Intelligence
IT Services
Mobile Development
QA and Testing
Domain focus
The Client wants to interpret substantial amounts of health data and information to create actionable, personalized, and timely health signals to deliver better clinical and financial outcomes while creating a different and better experience for people with chronic conditions
The Client wants to interpret substantial amounts of health data and information to create actionable, personalized, and timely health signals to deliver better clinical and financial outcomes while creating a different and better experience for people with chronic conditions
Managing architecture, developing workflows, triggers and validation.
Web-based clinical portal.
The clinical portal operates on salesforce-hosted databases synchronized with client databases using on-demand, batch REST APIs.
Managing architecture, developing workflows, triggers and validation.
Web-based clinical portal.
The clinical portal operates on salesforce-hosted databases synchronized with client databases using on-demand, batch REST APIs.
328,000+ members
12,53 clients launched
Members up 100% year-over-year, launched IPO
US$88 saved per patient per month
Average HbA1c sustained reduction at 12 months post-enrollment
328,000+ members
12,53 clients launched
Members up 100% year-over-year, launched IPO
US$88 saved per patient per month
Average HbA1c sustained reduction at 12 months post-enrollment