Feb 22, 2023
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Top Auto

Top Auto

2-3 months
Ukraine, zaporizhzhia
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Service categories
Service Lines
Web Development
Domain focus
Transportation & Logistics
Programming language
CMS solutions
Product Design
User Experience
DevOps as a Service


The director of the company may be facing the challenge of not having an online presence, which can limit their ability to reach potential customers and compete in the market. By creating a business card website, they can establish a professional and credible online presence that showcases their brand and services. However, the challenge may be to create a website that accurately reflects their brand identity and effectively communicates their message to their target audience. Additionally, the director may not have the technical expertise or resources to create a website on their own, which is where our services come in to help overcome this challenge.


We created a website tailored to the director's specific needs and target audience. We interviewed the business to understand their goals, services, and target market to gain insights into their brand identity and messaging. We conducted research into their target audience to understand their needs, preferences, and behavior. This helped us create a website that effectively communicates the value proposition of the business and addresses the pain points of their target audience. We used the latest technologies and design trends to create a visually appealing, user-friendly, and functional website. We optimized it for search engines and included features such as clear navigation, easy-to-use forms, and compelling calls-to-action to encourage user engagement and drive conversions.


With a car catalog available on the car playground, cars on the way, cars on the auctions today, content pages, and service pages, different calculators. We have found that 90% of users visit the website from mobile and made websites mobile-first. Additionally to that after 6 PM website switched to a dark theme. Overall, our solution helped the director of the company establish a professional and credible online presence that effectively showcases their brand and services to their target audience. We are committed to providing our clients with exceptional service and delivering projects that meet their specific needs and requirements.