Apr 28, 2022
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Integrating Okta Authenticaton with DecoNetwork For SSO Experience

Integrating Okta Authenticaton with DecoNetwork For SSO Experience

4-6 months
United States, Minneapolis
Service categories
Service Lines
Cloud Consulting
Software Development
IT Services
QA and Testing
Domain focus
Retail and Restaurants
Programming language
React Native


Signature Concepts, a large corporate branding and merchandising company, run their client ordering processes through DecoNetwork. DecoNetwork is a management and eCommerce tool for screen printing and merchandising companies, where each end customer is given their own portal for order new merchandise. Signature Concepts, having multiple clients, wanted to integrate their DecoNetwork client portals with their Okta Authenticator to provide their staff with a single sign on (SSO) solution.


We built an SSO Bridge to integrate DecoNetwork with the Okta Authenticator. This provided Signature Concepts employees with an option to sign into DecoNetwork with their Okta Login via a redirect to Okta Sign In. When they log in via Okta, an authentication token with a username and encrypted password is created and sent to DecoNetwork, allowing them to sign in and use the portal. The first place that we implemented this was on the Circle K DecoNetwork portal.


After a successful initial release on the Circle K portal, we will roll this solution out across all of Signature Concepts client base to create a seamless login experience. This process becomes much easier once the first SSO Bridge has been created. Signature Concepts staff now don’t have to manage multiple DecoNetwork logins and access management has become easy. New staff only need one login to access what they need, and staff that have left can have access removed easily.