Sep 14, 2023
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Ten Blast

Ten Blast

4-6 months
Service categories
Service Lines
Game Development
Domain focus
Game Development
2D Game Development
3D Game Development
Android Game Development
iOS Game Development


The main challenge in developing Ten Blast was to create an engaging number puzzle game that was both challenging and relaxing. A balance had to be struck between challenging the player's mental abilities and creating an atmosphere of relaxation.
The main challenge in developing Ten Blast was to create an engaging number puzzle game that was both challenging and relaxing. A balance had to be struck between challenging the player's mental abilities and creating an atmosphere of relaxation.


Our development team created Ten Blast game, which combines the complexity of numerical puzzles with elements of relaxation. To achieve this balance, we developed many special levels with different challenges, which added variety to the gameplay. We took into account the visual aspect of the game, creating interesting designs and atmospheric elements that contribute to the player's relaxation.


Ten Blast game has become a successful project, attracting players with its combination of numerical puzzles and relaxing atmosphere. Unique levels and varied designs made the game exciting. Special props and a variety of ways to solve problems added depth to the gameplay. Player reviews were positive, and the game gained popularity among those who were looking for addictive number puzzles that promoted relaxation and improved mental performance.