Cyblance technologies
Sep 20, 2022
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Internacional de la Educacion America Latina
2-3 months
United States, florids
Service categories
Domain focus
Programming language
React Native
CMS solutions
education platform
education platform
our expert developer completed on time
our expert developer completed on time
The EI app gives you access to the news, policy, campaigns, Publications of “Internacional de la Educacion.” and “Observatorio Latinoamericana de Politicas educativas,” both of these websites are part of Education International. The apps give you access to the campaigns and various analysts views on the specific topics and also the user can download the content of both sites. EI is the world’s largest, most representative, global sectoral organization of unions with more than thirty-two million trade union members in about four hundred affiliates in one hundred and seventy countries and territories.
The EI app gives you access to the news, policy, campaigns, Publications of “Internacional de la Educacion.” and “Observatorio Latinoamericana de Politicas educativas,” both of these websites are part of Education International. The apps give you access to the campaigns and various analysts views on the specific topics and also the user can download the content of both sites. EI is the world’s largest, most representative, global sectoral organization of unions with more than thirty-two million trade union members in about four hundred affiliates in one hundred and seventy countries and territories.