DataSOS Technologies
Apr 22, 2024
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Price Aggregation Solution – Case Study

Price Aggregation Solution – Case Study

more 1 year
United States
Service categories
Service Lines
Big Data
IT Services
QA and Testing
Domain focus
Programming language
Big Data
Data Analytics
IT Services
Business Analysis
QA and Testing


➤ Challenges: ● Ensuring the accuracy and reliability of pricing data extracted from diverse sources. ● Handling large volumes of data efficiently to provide timely insights. ● Designing the solution to be scalable and adaptable to changes in competitors' websites and pricing strategies. ● Implementing automation features to streamline the client's decision-making processes and enhance competitiveness in the market.


We developed a comprehensive price aggregation solution tailored for a leading e-commerce retailer. Our approach involved creating an automated crawler capable of efficiently extracting pricing data from thousands of web pages spanning various competitor websites. This crawler was specifically designed to target and retrieve prices for the products or SKUs identified by our client, ensuring relevance and accuracy. Utilizing advanced data processing techniques, we organized the extracted information into a user-friendly format, facilitating seamless integration into the client's decision-making processes. By presenting the data in a usable fashion, our solution empowered the client to automate their pricing strategies and make informed business decisions in real-time.


Our solution has significantly contributed to our client's success by expanding their customer base, fostering customer loyalty, and driving substantial profit growth. Through continuous refinement and adaptation, our solution remains a cornerstone of our client's competitive edge in the dynamic e-commerce landscape.