May 02, 2024
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ESYS 3.0 - Heating Cost Accounting System

ESYS 3.0 - Heating Cost Accounting System

more 1 year
Poland, Poznań
Service categories
Service Lines
Web Development
Domain focus
Energy & Utilities
Programming language


The client aimed to modernize the process of generating billing and reports for housing associations, transitioning to an online platform, ESYS-3.0. This new system, accessible via a web browser, integrates data like meter readings and prepayments for utilities, allowing users to produce bills and reports in CSV and PDF formats. As a supplier, we tackled migrating from old systems while ensuring data fluidity, reliability, and security, making the system intuitive for various users, from cooperative employees to end-users, and protecting sensitive billing information.


To solve our client's challenges and those we encountered during the collaboration, we developed the ESYS-3.0 system. This system generates billing and reports for housing associations and end users, automating the processing of data such as meter readings. A key change was to allow access to the system via a web browser, which streamlined its use. Our solution has not only eliminated the original problems, but has also improved transparency and operational efficiency, providing an easy and intuitive user experience.


The implementation of the ESYS-3.0 system has significantly enhanced the operational efficiency of our client's housing association. By automating billing and report generation, the system has reduced data processing time and minimized error risks, streamlining management tasks. Enhanced accessibility through web browser integration has improved user-friendliness and management speed, boosting both day-to-day operations and end-user satisfaction. Additionally, the system's capability to monitor consumption and costs accurately has facilitated resource optimization and operating cost reduction, further contributing to the overall effectiveness of housing management operations.
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ESYS 3.0 - Heating Cost Accounting System
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ESYS 3.0 - Heating Cost Accounting System
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ESYS 3.0 - Heating Cost Accounting System