Jun 29, 2024
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Web Development
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Business Services
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Build a Yoga class booking system using Laravel replicating Yoga Contact Support's core features. Users register, log in (verify email!), book classes, & view bookings. Admins manage classes & users. User accounts with registration, login, email verification & password reset. User dashboard displays available classes, booking options, & booking history. Admin panel to create, edit & delete classes (title, description, date, time, max participants). Booking system with availability checks & confirmation emails. Admins view bookings & manage users (view, edit, delete). Built with Laravel 8+, Blade templates (optional Vue.js), MySQL/PostgreSQL, RESTful APIs, & Laravel's security features. This delivers core functionalities for further development & customization.


Laravel 8+ with Blade templates (optional frontend framework). Database (MySQL/PostgreSQL) for users, classes, and bookings. User registration (email verification), login, password reset (Laravel features) Class models and APIs for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) with details (title, description, date, time, capacity). Booking APIs with capacity limitations and confirmation emails (Laravel notifications). Secure admin panel: CRUD users, view bookings, CRUD classes. UI for user & admin functionalities, class browsing, booking, history Security: Input validation, Laravel security features. Deploy & configure DB. Consider: profiles, class types, payments (optional), waitlists, cancellations with notifications.


Embark on a journey through Dgtal Space Agency's portfolio, where the artistry of technology meets the serenity of yoga. Explore our bespoke solutions for Yoga, where tranquility and innovation converge to elevate your online presence. Namaste to a digital sanctuary of zen and excellence.