Dec 22, 2023
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The game based on the Cosmos blockchain

The game based on the Cosmos blockchain

more 1 year
Service categories
Service Lines
Software Development
Domain focus
Software Development
Business Software
User Experience
DevOps as a Service


This game is designed to be a multiplayer game that leverages the power of the Cosmos blockchain to provide users with a secure and decentralized gaming experience. The goal was to create a blockchain-based game that would be an outstanding experience for its users. The similar games have flaws or issues that make them frustrating or unappealing for players.


The game is built using the Cosmos SDK, which allows for the creation of custom tokens and coins. Cosmos chicken coop has its native token, which will be used as the in-game currency. The project is an example of how blockchain technology can be used to create engaging and innovative gaming experiences.


This game offers a new and exciting way for players to engage with each other and enjoy the benefits of blockchain technology. With its focus on security, transparency, and decentralization, it has the potential to become a popular and enduring multiplayer game for years to come.
This game offers a new and exciting way for players to engage with each other and enjoy the benefits of blockchain technology. With its focus on security, transparency, and decentralization, it has the potential to become a popular and enduring multiplayer game for years to come.