Jul 29, 2022
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Web Development
Programming language
Develop a CRM dashboard in which you can easily assign tasks to your team members like Asana.
Develop a CRM dashboard in which you can easily assign tasks to your team members like Asana.
Cloudmate is a bot built on the GCP cloud that empowers you to use Asana effectively and automate many workflows. You can design your custom workflows, and automatically create and assign tasks to people inside Asana. Cloudmate uses Asana to eliminate the need for custom web solutions by utilizing webhooks and APIs of Asana
Cloudmate is built with MERN stack and is highly scalable to process thousands of tasks simultaneously
Cloudmate is a bot built on the GCP cloud that empowers you to use Asana effectively and automate many workflows. You can design your custom workflows, and automatically create and assign tasks to people inside Asana. Cloudmate uses Asana to eliminate the need for custom web solutions by utilizing webhooks and APIs of Asana
Cloudmate is built with MERN stack and is highly scalable to process thousands of tasks simultaneously
project is completed
project is completed