Feb 12, 2023
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Software Development for Wealth Management Firm

Software Development for Wealth Management Firm

4-6 months
India, Bangalore
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Service categories
Service Lines
Software Development
Domain focus
Banking & Financial Services
Software Development
Business Software


- Strategize goals and product roadmap for their team to build a financial advisory solution. - Digitalization of the manual financial processes. - Improve the communication between the advisors and clients through the platform. - Showing the real-time data from the ecosystem in a simple way for easy understanding.


We followed a human-centric design approach to create innovative solutions for the end-users of our clients. As the first step, we interacted with stakeholders and understood the kind of space they were in, and what kind of services they wanted to provide to their end customers. After a few discussions, we suggested a suitable strategy to the client. The strategy consists of two phases: - Design Sprint - Product Development


The application is successfully being used by a large number of advisors to communicate with and provide financial advice to their clients. It helped advisors to diversify their offerings and become more efficient in providing the best products available according to the end customer's needs. The platform also helped them to democratize their knowledge of various financial products.