Jul 27, 2023
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more 1 year
Service categories
Service Lines
Web Development
Domain focus
Business Services


Create a marketplace, where real estate agencies can order converting of paper drawings or PDF/TIFF scanned files into digital DWG/DXF format. The platform should support 4 levels of users, to be flexible for scaling and allow uploading big files
Create a marketplace, where real estate agencies can order converting of paper drawings or PDF/TIFF scanned files into digital DWG/DXF format. The platform should support 4 levels of users, to be flexible for scaling and allow uploading big files


The application supports 4 roles of users: Customer Worker QA Admin ‍ First, customers are placing Bids. Then workers apply for bids and make converting of the files. QA staff verifies results from workers. Afterwards, admins control all of the process and have powerful admin side and reporting.


Most interesting parts in application from engineering point of view: - Custom wiki based CMS system - Flexible Work flow Engine for Tasks - Uploading of big files - Activity tracking of different users in system
Most interesting parts in application from engineering point of view: - Custom wiki based CMS system - Flexible Work flow Engine for Tasks - Uploading of big files - Activity tracking of different users in system