Mar 25, 2022
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Music playlists aggregator
7-12 months
United States
Service categories
Service Lines
Software Development
Domain focus
Media & Entertainment
One of the most challenging features was simultaneous music playing for different users at the same time.
One of the most challenging features was simultaneous music playing for different users at the same time.
Cross-platform mobile application. No matter what music service your friends and followers are subscribed to you can see their playlists and follow their favorite tracks and listen to what they are listening live.
Cross-platform mobile application. No matter what music service your friends and followers are subscribed to you can see their playlists and follow their favorite tracks and listen to what they are listening live.
A cross-platform mobile application that allows you to be a subscriber to one music platform and be able to share your playlists and favourite tracks with your friends and followers as well as follow someone. A user can listen to other's playlists and like their music tracks.
A cross-platform mobile application that allows you to be a subscriber to one music platform and be able to share your playlists and favourite tracks with your friends and followers as well as follow someone. A user can listen to other's playlists and like their music tracks.