>$200 / hr
10 - 49
Romania, Bucharest
Within 1 month
Heart driven AI

Introducing the first framework for ethical AI and blockchain, Humans.ai is creating an all-in-one platform for AI-based creation and governance at scale. Through its creative studio, token-based ownership and accountability system, Humans.ai is designed to ensure contributions are fairly rewarded and that every AI is kept honest over the long term. The governance system will provide oversight to the technical and other functional aspects of the ecosystem, as well as to the creation and usage of AIs via the NFTs. Users can also submit proposals for the improvement of the ecosystem and/or raise concerns regarding an AI, App, or other usages for ethical review.

To participate in the Humans.ai governance system, a user must have a validated account and stake a minimum amount of $HEART for the life of their account. Similarly, to participate in the governance over an NFT, the user will need to possess and stake that NFT’s governance token.

NFTs are used for ownership of algorithms, genomes, data, AIs and apps. While the NFTs represent the ownership over the digital asset itself, the ERC20 tokens represent the rights to govern the NFT and the rights to any revenues it may generate.

Heart driven AI

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Location and Contacts

Romania, Bucharest
Ion Ghica

Major clients
