Oct 02, 2023
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4-6 months
United States
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Service categories
Service Lines
Cloud Consulting
Domain focus
Cloud Consulting
Cloud Security
DevOps as a Service


- The biggest challenge was to maintain the uptime SLA (99%) with scrape jobs. To resolve this, a dashboard of jobs and routines running within a defined time was created. - An operational communication dashboard was also set up for administrators to monitor and review operations. - A quarterly and daily board was set up for administrators to view the progress of application scrape jobs. - Finally, a data operation dashboard was created for reviewing the growing data needs with archive or purge information that wasn’t required.


- The team developed all development, cron, security, deployment/rollback and data governance operations. - We made solutions for uptime requirements, SLA management for communication services, and data visibility. - Also, customized analytics were created to identify delay concerns and resolve them through hardware and software optimization techniques. - As part of the data operations, the entire data set needed to be refreshed across all platforms with over 15 million products needing to be updated regularly. To address this, the team developed producer/consumer cron jobs to update pricing structures, pictures, and variations for all products. Additionally, an aggregated summary report is available for all platforms.


Intellicoworks was able to help KiboCode/ProfitSpy expand its business from one business unit to multiple units with branding options. Kibocode/ProfitSpy was able to create 5+ brands based on this using approximately the same infrastructure handling different tenants. The project has been working fine for the past 3 years, and customers are still giving in requirements for modification.
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