May 16, 2024
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2-3 months
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CMS solutions


Anakiklosi Sto Spiti is a project focused on collecting recyclable materials such as plastic, paper, aluminium, and more from citizens across various municipalities using QR code. Citizens need to attach a QR code sticker provided by Anakiklosi Sto Spiti for each streams on the bags. To effectively engage citizens and ensure transparency and tracking of their collections, they require a digital platform. Additionally, to incentivize participation, they offer rewards such as municipality offers and third-party company offers. Additionally, to incentivize participation, they offer rewards such as exclusive coupons from local businesses and special deals from partnering companies.


Anakiklosi Sto Spiti has developed a website and a mobile application for citizens to enroll in the system. Through this platform, users can access their collection data, view charts, and compare their recycling efforts with other municipalities on leaderboards. They can also register their QR codes and redeem earned coupons. Additionally, the platform features a community chat system that enables citizens to communicate with each other, share ideas, and discuss problems.


As a result of this platform, users have quickly become engaged due to its simple interaction and useful functionalities. They have started to store recyclable waste instead of throwing it into general dustbins, which has a positive impact on the environment. The platform also includes a "refer a friend" functionality, which allows users to earn coupons, leading to rapid expansion of the project. Moreover, it has influenced society to take responsibility for their surroundings and the environment.