May 16, 2024
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Neo Textile

Neo Textile

2-3 months
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CMS solutions


Neo Textile addresses the challenge of sustainable fashion by promoting the reuse and recycling of clothing. The fashion industry is known for its environmental and social impact, including waste generation, pollution, and poor working conditions. aims to reduce these impacts by encouraging the reuse of clothing and promoting a circular economy in the fashion industry.


Neo Textile has developed a web app for internally sorting bulk second-hand clothes and creating an inventory. This platform enables efficient sorting and categorization of clothing items, ensuring that only high-quality items are listed for sale. Sellers can easily generate a quality- and category-wise sorted clothing inventory in bulk, and buyers can browse this inventory and make purchases, contributing to a more sustainable fashion industry. We also assisted them in getting the website landing page ready.


As a result of Neo Textile's website for internal sorting and inventory management, the platform has been able to offer a curated selection of high-quality, pre-owned clothing items to its customers. This has helped to reduce clothing waste and promote a more sustainable and ethical fashion industry. Customers are becoming more aware of the environmental impact of fast fashion and are actively seeking out second-hand clothing as a more sustainable alternative. Overall,'s platform has contributed to a more sustainable and ethical fashion industry.
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Neo Textile
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Neo Textile
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Neo Textile