Labcodes Software Studio
Jul 11, 2023
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Liber Capital

Liber Capital

more 1 year
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Service categories
Service Lines
Web Development
Domain focus
Banking & Financial Services
Programming language
Product Design


We had the challenge of making a brand new design system in order to improve Liber’s internal processes. Our main focus was on deeply understanding their business model, as well as all of the players involved in making their product succeed. From there, we went on to build a system together with their team.


We started by going through a detailed discovery process. We wanted to validate Liber’s team's understanding of the product, and also talk to all the parts of their business model: clients, stakeholders, users and more. From there, we were able to create a new design system that would help their teams deliver more, more consistently and with fewer bugs across the board. The goal of the design system was to directly impact and eliminate bottlenecks and stress points in Liber’s processes and create a guideline for everything visual in the company.


All of these changes had an amazing impact, especially on the day-to-day activities inside Liber Capital. First of all, we were able to deliver a new process, extensive and detailed documentation, organization and visual consistency to them. With the tools we provided, Liber improved handoffs, with better communication and integration between design and technology teams. We were also able to improve the launch of new features, with fewer bugs in each one. Last but not least, the new design system was responsible for a drastic reduction in the time to deliver new interfaces.
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Liber Capital
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Liber Capital