Nov 11, 2022
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2-3 months
United States
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Service categories
Service Lines
Software Development
IT Services
Domain focus


We needed to develop 3 types of products as an Ecosystem partner and as a Service Provider, these were: 1) Fairdrive Dapp 2) Fairdrive Protocol 3) x2 Mini dapps, Fairtext and Fairphoto All of these needed developed front ends, within a dedicated Fairdrive design system, including a neutral but distinguishable brand identity. These frontends should work with the authoriser protocol and the API endpoints connected to the underlying storage layer.


We conducted an extensive research project interviewing 12 stakeholders of whom were all in separate parts of this decentralised organisation both in the core team and in auxiliary teams. The research plan mapped out the process, recruitment criteria, chosen method of research with questionnaire and a conclusion of what type of qualitative data would be shown in the final report. After all the interviews were conducted and recorded, an analysis was compiled of what was said. All the information was treated and gathered as raw data. An in depth system of affinity boarding was created to capture the information in themes in order to finally conduct a synthesis.


The evidence of the prototypes demonstrated the basic functionality that was needed in this project, and proved the concept of a Universal UI Data Organisational Tool (just as the research project highlighted) would be the best use case for Fairdrive. This functionality included actions like: 1.) Uploading content 2.) Creating files and folders for that content However NOT 3.) Sharing those folders and files with others The limitations of the current form of the project still needs to be developed further including advanced development into credentialing that will allow users to connect and be connected to other users on the blockchain level of Swarm itself.