Apr 11, 2024
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Live Streaming and Video-on-Demand

Live Streaming and Video-on-Demand

4-6 months
United States
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Service categories
Service Lines
Web Development
Domain focus
Media & Entertainment
Programming language


Surprisingly, with all of the commercial security camera offerings available, there was no off the shelf solution that would meet the unique needs of AICC and the clubs that they represent. Materialize was approached to help select the camera hardware that would be installed, as well as build the fully bespoke management portal that connects hundreds of cameras installed in clubs across the country. Materialize was uniquely qualified for this project because of our extensive experience working with live streaming and live streaming hardware, video transcoding and encoding, and custom management portals.


As soon as the project began, Materialize took the lead and assumed the responsibility of crafting the perfect system that meets the essential requirements of the AICC custom management portal. We started with user flows, which led us to the wireframes, high fidelity mockups, and eventually the fully engineered functional product. We provided the full spectrum of software development services, serving as a CTO-as-a-service for AICC and providing a software development team out of the box. AICC relies on the management portal to provide their services to their clients and continues to use Materialize to build out features and functionality to support their growing needs.


We built a robust system that allows administrators to set up new gyms (and the cameras within them) in order to watch live streams from each camera and review past recordings. Recording can be edited directly within the platform to cut clips for uploading to the cloud. The compliance team depends on these tools to review incidents and protect their customers.
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Live Streaming and Video-on-Demand
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Live Streaming and Video-on-Demand
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Live Streaming and Video-on-Demand