Micro Orbit Technologies
Oct 17, 2023
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Green Harbour

Green Harbour

2-3 months
Ireland, Dublin
Service categories
Service Lines
IT Services
QA and Testing
Web Development
Domain focus
Energy & Utilities
Programming language
CMS solutions
QA and Testing


Dynamic Product Display: - Designing a dynamic product catalog to effectively showcase various energy products. Security and Regulatory Compliance: - Ensuring stringent security measures and compliance with industry-specific regulations. Optimized Performance: - Optimizing website performance to handle high traffic and deliver a smooth user experience. Tailored User Experience: - Customizing the user experience to cater to different customer segments within the energy sector. Integration with Backend Systems: - Seamlessly integrating the e-commerce platform with the client's existing backend systems. Mobile Responsiveness and Speed: - Ensuring the website functions seamlessly and loads quickly on mobile devices.


Dynamic Product Display: - Developed a product catalog with a clear layout and advanced filtering options for customers. Security and Regulatory Compliance: - Implemented top-tier security protocols and ensured compliance with industry regulations, guaranteeing safe transactions. Optimized Performance: - Conducted thorough performance optimizations, including server upgrades and code optimizations. Tailored User Experience: - Personalized the user experience through AI-driven recommendations and enhancing customer engagement. Integration with Backend Systems: - Utilized advanced integration techniques to seamlessly develop backend system. Mobile Responsiveness: - Employed responsive web design principles and optimized website elements for mobile.


Dynamic Product Display: - Achieved a 30% increase in product views and a 15% rise in conversions through. Security and Regulatory Compliance: - Ensured a secure platform, resulting in a 25% boost in customer trust and a good rise in online transactions by 40%. Optimized Performance: - Reduced website load time by 40%, resulting in a 25% increase in page views and a notable improvement in user satisfaction. Tailored User Experience: - Increased user engagement by 35%, leading to a 50% rise in returning customers through personalized user journeys. Integration with Backend Systems: - Enhanced operational efficiency, reducing order processing time by 30%. Mobile Responsiveness: - Attained a 20% increase in mobile users and a 25% reduction in bounce rates.