MJV Technology & Innovation
Jul 06, 2021
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Growth space framing

Growth space framing

2-3 months
Service categories
Service Lines
Big Data
IT Services
Domain focus
Consumer Products & Services
IT Services
Business Analysis


The growth space is expected to become more relevant in the next years. The client wanted to have a better understanding and explore the possibilities. MJV, through primary and secondary research, explored the consumer's behaviors and aspirations, framed it through the Jobs-to-be-done framework, and, collaborating with Brand Managers in remote workshops, analyzed how the current portfolio landed on it.


A report with 11 Jobs-to-be-done that form the growth space, 6 personas presenting consumer life context, the portfolio analysis and a detailed breakdown of how the products could look like for each JTBD.
A report with 11 Jobs-to-be-done that form the growth space, 6 personas presenting consumer life context, the portfolio analysis and a detailed breakdown of how the products could look like for each JTBD.


With the process, the client understood how it is already occupying the space, how to quickly better occupy it, and where long term opportunities are. - 50+ products found with potential to be better used in the growth space. - €25bi is the global size of the space. The 11 Jobs-to-be-done present a clear view on how to grow in it.