Nov 22, 2023
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Building a Gamified Fitness App for people over 50

Building a Gamified Fitness App for people over 50

more 1 year
United States, San Francisco
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Service categories
Service Lines
Software Development
IT Services
Mobile Development
Domain focus
Programming language
React Native


Synopsis When we were first approached by the client he was previously burnt (pun intended) by the last agency he worked with, so he was understandably careful when it came to choosing who he would work with next. The previous agency had boxed his app into using their own CMS platform specialised in gamification and on top of that they had decided to neither build a full Web App, nor a Native mobile experience. Instead they had convinced the client that they should be building a PWA in 2022 as a primary user interface - ridiculous. Outside of that the designs were amateurish and were poorly translated into code resulting in clunky implementations and a lot of reoccurring bugs.‍


Solution The first step was to do code forensics and analyse the state of the product. Then we had an in-depth discussion with C.J. about Burn & Earn’s current state and the business goals for next year, and five years out. Because the product was shoehorned into using the previous agency’s gamification CMS product, we decided to proceed with a service-orientated architecture and build around the CMS as it did provide value even though it was limited and replacing it at that point would mean a lot of development capital being allocated without any extra value provided to the users.


Value Provided We took Burn & Earn from a buggy application without any clear product development roadmap to an application with strong foundation and a clear product vision. With our framework in place we are able to iterate and improve the application at neck-breaking speeds. MVP Master's team is completely aligned with the client's team back in SF and with our joint forces we believe the sky is the limit. Check out the full case study at: