Jan 11, 2024
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Automated sports production

Automated sports production

4-6 months
United States
Service categories
Service Lines
Artificial Intelligence
Domain focus


Automated sports production Our solution is used for automatic sports broadcasts. We develop different algorithms (human pose tracking + detection) That allows you to exercise with Pose Tracking Technology.
Automated sports production Our solution is used for automatic sports broadcasts. We develop different algorithms (human pose tracking + detection) That allows you to exercise with Pose Tracking Technology.


The algorithms detect the players, automatically moving the camera to capture every movement and broadcast it in a fully automated manner. The Computer vision system operates in real-time and is utilized worldwide.
The algorithms detect the players, automatically moving the camera to capture every movement and broadcast it in a fully automated manner. The Computer vision system operates in real-time and is utilized worldwide.


The AI algorithms we create are capable of analyzing human body poses and are used for various applications, ranging from automatic workout analysis to AR gesture recognition. It maks fitness and sport practices smarter and more effective.
The AI algorithms we create are capable of analyzing human body poses and are used for various applications, ranging from automatic workout analysis to AR gesture recognition. It maks fitness and sport practices smarter and more effective.