$50 - $99 / hr
10 - 49
Poland, Poznań
Within 2-3 weeks
Connecting online with offline

Proxi.cloud provides top brands with unique tools to help leverage user's location context and gain valuable insights about consumers' offline behaviour. Proven on over 3 million active devices, Proxi.cloud's SDK and Proximity Platform enables mobile app publishers to get insights on users' offline behavioural patterns, POS footfall and overall digital drive-to-store performance. To help you optimise expansion and asset management, they partnered with Placeme to give even more relevant insights on potential new locations value, based on the data from your mobile app. Besides analytics, they developed unique features to help you activate users with precisely targeted rich push notifications and integrated with Facebook and Google to utilize the data and give you even more value, optimising your digital campaigns.

Connecting online with offline

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Location and Contacts

Poland, Poznań
Dąbrowskiego 79A
Poland, Wrocław

Major clients

Vue Group
Eurocash Group
Les Mousquetaires