Reckonsys Tech Labs Pvt Ltd
Mar 14, 2024
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Personalized Recruitment Platform

Personalized Recruitment Platform

2-3 months
United States
Service categories
Service Lines
Web Development
Domain focus
Business Services
Consumer Products & Services
Programming language


A US - Based startup with a vision to develop a video-based employment platform that helps both job seekers and HR professionals stand out in the application process. They are the first video-only hiring platform that allows internal talent teams to engage, attract, and hire Gen Z job seekers.


One of the main reasons for the client to choose Reckonsys as the development partner is our ability to develop the platforms in a shorter timeframe. Our main objective was to deliver an MVP in quick timeline so that the client can gain a competitive advantage. To tackle this challenging task, we have carried out this development in 2 phases. Key Functional Modules Employer portal where an employer can create teams who can create jobs and interact with jobseekers and hire them by reducing the profile screening time. Jobseeker portal where job seekers can join, record a short video of them and apply for the jobs and follow with employers.


Key Technology Solutions Identify and integrate a third-party resume parser solution. Identify and integrate a third-party job scraper solution which helps to hydrate our database with a lot of jobs immediately. Identify and integrate a third-party video recording app. Release the MVP. Develop a proprietary resume parser. Develop a proprietary job scraper. Develop an efficient and scalable web-RTC based video recorder Results Acquired 100+ users in the first week of going live. Completed the MVP in just 2 to 3 months. 2 separate modules for Jobseekers & Employers. Proprietary resume parser, job scraper & video recorder.