Jun 27, 2024
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4-6 months
United States, Camarillo
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Service categories
Service Lines
Web Development
Domain focus
Media & Entertainment
Programming language


We all have a lot of pictures of our friends and family we treasure, but sometimes the photos alone don’t paint the complete picture of what was happening at that moment; you might vaguely remember the situation but forget some important details. To make sure you remember every single detail of that day, you might take pictures, record some voice recordings, or create journal entries, but all of these are scattered across different platforms – photos, notes, recordings and you never really get to look at a picture and fully relieve all of its details.


TimeWell allows you to manage and relive your memories and create a cohesive photo album that organizes all your life stories in one central space. By integrating voice recordings and notes into your photos, TimeWell allows you to capture the complete context of your core memories. Most importantly, TimeWell lets you invite your friends and family to upload their photos and attach their voice recordings to enrich your shared memories from their perspective and manage collective memories in one place.


TimeWell is a unique platform that lets you store and manage enhanced memories. In TimeWell, you can upload your photos, create albums and journal entries and enrich all your memories by attaching voice recordings. Since memories are made significant by sharing, TimeWell lets you share your albums and photos with other people for them to add their own perspective to the story through their voice recordings and photos. Through the platform, you can also order a hard copy of your digital photo book along with its voice recordings.