Jun 04, 2024
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SharePoint Intranet for Effective Cross-Departmental Collaboration in a 45,000-Employee Bank

SharePoint Intranet for Effective Cross-Departmental Collaboration in a 45,000-Employee Bank

4-6 months
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Service categories
Service Lines
Software Development
Domain focus
Banking & Financial Services
Programming language
Software Development
Business Software


The end Customer is a banking organization with $400+ bln in assets and 40,000+ employees. Due to new offices opening, it became more difficult to maintain effective communication within the organization. Not only the interaction between separate offices and departments was poor, but internal business processes needed optimization. Among multiple SharePoint consulting companies, the Customer chose ScienceSoft, a recognized expert in delivering custom SharePoint intranets.


ScienceSoft thoroughly investigated the Customer’s infrastructure, installed and implemented SharePoint environment. After that, ScienceSoft's team successfully developed a SharePoint corporate intranet. During the development process both out-of-the-box features and customized web parts were used. The customized solution incorporates global Intranet site and numerous sub-sites with predefined functionality.


The Customer was provided with a multifunctional user-friendly experience that addresses all his major needs. The corporate solution significantly facilitates collaboration between departments by offering them specific tools for sharing documents and storing corporate knowledge base. The solution also encourages internal communication and streamlines business processes across all the bank’s levels. The Customer notes that since the mobile version of intranet was launched, the employee productivity has greatly risen.
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SharePoint Intranet for Effective Cross-Departmental Collaboration in a 45,000-Employee Bank