Aug 29, 2023
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Electric Bike Control App with Integrations

Electric Bike Control App with Integrations

more 1 year
Japan, Tokyo
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Service categories
Service Lines
Mobile Development
Domain focus
Programming language
React Native
Mobile Development


Our objective was to develop a cross-platform (iOS and Android) prototype app that offered comprehensive support for electric motorcycle riders. The app needed to empower users with functionalities like controlling lights, managing the lock system, facilitating key sharing among multiple users, and providing real-time location updates on a custom native map. In addition, we aimed to integrate a captivating 3D model of each rider's bike into the app, creating dynamic animations that responded to in real-time. The challenge was to deliver smooth animations while achieving a high rendering performance target of 60 FPS. Furthermore, we prioritized building a maintainable and extensible codebase to accommodate future feature enhancements and tech advancements for upcoming bike models.


Process 1.) From the client, we assimilated the application's business perspective. 2.) Collaborating with the client's designers, we translated their vision into a captivating and functional application. 3.) Our expert team at Scriptide collaborated closely with the client to meticulously plan and implement the technical aspects. 4.) Through a series of iterative design and technology cycles, we developed multiple prototypes, refining the solution until reaching a mutually agreed upon outcome. 5.) Our commitment extends beyond development; we provide continuous support for new features, bug fixes, and updates.


The Scriptide team exceeded expectations, delivering the project on time and meeting all client requirements. We provided a cutting-edge, high-performance React Native app that has garnered enthusiastic user feedback. By adopting a cross-platform approach, we enabled rapid iteration of new designs, features, and change requests, resulting in significant cost and time savings for our client compared to traditional development methods. Throughout the development process, we tackled numerous technical challenges, pioneering new territories in pursuit of excellence. Our contributions even extended to enhancing React Native's documentation on rendering native UI elements to standalone Android Fragments, benefitting the wider developer community.
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Electric Bike Control App with Integrations