Jun 14, 2023
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Test Data Management

Test Data Management

2-3 months
United States
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Service categories
Service Lines
QA and Testing
Domain focus
QA and Testing
Manual Testing


- Test Coverage: If the test data is inadequately designed then such test inputs are not covered the all possible test scenarios, which impacts the quality of the software application under test - Impact on Quality: If test data is inadequate then all test scenario is not covered which will hamper the quality of the software application - Re-usable Test Data: Sometimes it’s not possible to create a completely new set of test data for each and every build. - Maintenance: To check redundancy for a set of Test data is a very tedious and time-consuming job and identify redundant test data and remove it from the repository - Duplicate efforts: Chances of Test data duplication by individual Tester for their own application


- Coverage: Prepare test data based on the Test scenario and categorized accordingly for complete test coverage - Test Data Generation Tools: Identify a tool that will be used to generate test data automatically in bulk as per defined data type in different formats like excel, CSV, SQL, XML, etc - Map with the Business requirement: Map your set test data with specific Test scenarios which help the test team during the execution - Centralized repository: Create a repository of generalized test data that is commonly used among all applications - Categorized Test Data: It should be categorized so that it can be utilized in any project e.g. No data, Invalid data, Valid data, Illegal format, Boundary condition, equivalence partition, Decision table, Data set for


- Implementation Support and Maintenance Project: Production data dump is utilized in the Test environment which helps to check the business scenarios with more realistic data with fewer efforts - Small size or a small amount of test data: A custom field is created in the Test link tool (Test case management) called “Test Data” where test data values can be defined with specific Test scenarios. In this case, Test data is mapped with the scenario which will be helpful to the testing team at the time of execution as Test Data is readily available. - Manual Test Data: Generalized template is identified for creating Test data manually and then it can be attached to a specific scenario/Test Case in the Test link tool