Mar 17, 2021
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Magento 2 customization for Strapworks

Magento 2 customization for Strapworks

more 1 year
United States
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Software Development
Web Development
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Strapworks is a strap manufacturer and supplier, serving 400,000 customers in the US. Strapworks managed their online store via Magento Commerce 2.1. They worked with a technology vendor that failed to make necessary changes to their product — Advanced Product Options extension. Strapworks also wanted to add new functionality and improve product configuration. After online meetings with stakeholders, we offered some changes to improve the Strapworks’ solution. Being impressed by our approach, they entrusted the project to our team.


We customized Magento 2 Advanced Product Options extension as per Strapworks’ requirements and added new features: — Dependent product options for flexible product configuration; — Custom wizard for displaying products with multiple options and grouping them into separate tabs; — Dynamic pricing for setting a rate for a product and associating this rate with other product options, which allows calculating a price based on many options; — Hidden price for hiding product prices and adding explanations that guide users (e.g., select a product to see the price); — Credit terms checkout for allowing clients to place an order and pay for it later; — Quick product import/export for importing/exporting products in only one click; — Swatch options to replace text with product icons.


For enhanced user experience, we offered a new website design concept. We also revised Advanced Product Options extension and eliminated excessive features. It helped increase the website speed by 30 points in Google PageSpeed Insights. Due to the issues with Strapworks’ hosting provider, such as delays in responses, we offered and further performed migration to Amazon Web Services. Being satisfied with the project results, Strapworks offered to continue our business partnership.