May 22, 2023
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CRM data entry and cleansing for a UK-based insurance firm

CRM data entry and cleansing for a UK-based insurance firm

more 1 year
United Kingdom
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Business Services


The insurance company faced significant challenges in maintaining its customer relations database, which had grown to over 3 million records. The database was plagued by errors, duplicate entries, and missing or inaccurate information, which was hampering the company's ability to market its services effectively, gain customer insights and engage with customers.


Reviving data integrity: How we cleaned up three million+ records in just six days To enhance data quality and provide the client with an up-to-date database, we allotted a team of 20 data professionals (and divided teams for specific tasks), including data cleansing experts, data entry operators, and data quality experts, who offered the client the following solutions: - CRM data cleansing - CRM data entry - CRM data segmentation and profiling


Project outcomes: Achieving transformative results - The accurate and complete customer data allowed the client to create more personalized and targeted marketing campaigns, resulting in higher engagement rates and a better return on investment.
Project outcomes: Achieving transformative results - The accurate and complete customer data allowed the client to create more personalized and targeted marketing campaigns, resulting in higher engagement rates and a better return on investment.