Apr 17, 2024
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Godrej Vending

Godrej Vending

Less 1 month
India, Thane
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Service categories
Service Lines
Artificial Intelligence
Big Data
Mobile Development
Domain focus
Consumer Products & Services
Programming language
Artificial Intelligence
Deep Learning
Machine Learning
Mobile Development


Initially, the collaboration between Godrej and Thinkogic aimed to develop an Android application for an 11-inch tablet integrated with the vending machine. Challenges arose concerning the tablet's power management, requiring innovative solutions to synchronize its operation with the vending machine's power state. Despite initial success, the project encountered setbacks due to the tablet's continuous charging, posing concerns over battery life and feasibility.


Thinkogic spearheaded the development of a new mobile application leveraging Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology. This application enabled users to interact with the vending machine through their smartphones, scanning QR codes to access product information and initiate dispensing. The transition to a contactless model not only enhanced safety but also provided unparalleled convenience to users. Furthermore, Thinkogic engineered a companion application for machine operators, service personnel, and factory managers. This application offered role-based access to configure various machine settings, streamlining operations and enhancing efficiency across Godrej's vending machine network.


The implementation of Thinkogic's innovative mobile applications heralded a new era of efficiency and safety in Godrej's vending machine ecosystem. By embracing contactless technology, Godrej empowered users to interact with vending machines seamlessly while mitigating health risks associated with physical contact. Moreover, the introduction of the settings application revolutionized machine configuration processes, offering unparalleled ease of use and customization options for operators and service personnel.