TRooTech Business Solutions
Jul 23, 2024
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7-12 months
Service categories
Service Lines
Artificial Intelligence
Software Development
Mobile Development
Domain focus


For ACC Limited, operational challenges in the transportation of their cement products to distributors and retailers were becoming increasingly problematic. Key issues included inaccurate tracking of the fleet, driver knowledge limitations regarding mobile app operations, and the reliance on last-mile paper-based records. These problems led to inefficiencies and hindered the overall transportation process.


TRooTech stepped in to provide a complete end-to-end solution by developing and implementing a digital transport management system custom-tailored to address ACC Limited's specific needs. The solution featured a robust fleet tracking system that ensured accurate, real-time vehicle tracking. Additionally, a user-friendly mobile application was designed to accommodate drivers with varying levels of technological proficiency. The system also digitalized last-mile records, eliminating the need for paper-based processes and enhancing data accuracy and accessibility.


The results of this collaboration were significant. ACC Limited experienced enhanced fleet tracking accuracy, which improved logistics management and reduced delays. Drivers found the mobile application intuitive and easy to operate, increasing their efficiency. The digital transformation of last-mile records streamlined the entire transportation process, leading to improved data accuracy and operational effectiveness. Overall, TRooTech's custom digital transport management system successfully resolved ACC Limited's transportation challenges, boosting their operational efficiency.