Jan 15, 2023
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MVP for Marketing Platform

MVP for Marketing Platform

2-3 months
United States
Service categories
Service Lines
Web Development
Domain focus
Advertising & Marketing
Programming language


The client asked the UMIND team to develop a website for providing a better user experience and other parameters vital for social proof marketing software. The project had a limited timeframe as the company aimed to launch the project as quickly as possible.
The client asked the UMIND team to develop a website for providing a better user experience and other parameters vital for social proof marketing software. The project had a limited timeframe as the company aimed to launch the project as quickly as possible.


By using technologies like PHP 8, MYSQL 8, REDIS, WebSocket the team of developers created a social proof marketing application that delivers past or real-time performance info via reviews.The features we implemented in it include: - a validation widget for access to personal data - a review widget for gauging user experience through reviews and testimonials - a widget builder to allow users easily configure widgets in terms of desired content and design


The UMIND developers built a tried-and-tested app providing relevant info on the business’ performance via reviews. Since its launch, the client has observed positive dynamics in user satisfaction and enhanced service quality.
The UMIND developers built a tried-and-tested app providing relevant info on the business’ performance via reviews. Since its launch, the client has observed positive dynamics in user satisfaction and enhanced service quality.