May 15, 2023
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Fitness First - Middle East

Fitness First - Middle East

7-12 months
United Arab Emirates
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Service Lines
Web Development
Domain focus
CMS solutions


Undergoing a digital transformation, FFME needed to revamp their digital presence and make sure all their digital assets are integrated into one online brand network that can be efficiently and easily updated when required. Fitness First had challenges that required complex technologies and solutions - they thoroughly reviewed all available options to address these issues. Drupal was selected as the ideal CMS and technology to support its short and long-term digital strategy objectives.


Seven websites personalized and managed by one centralized CMS. All websites will share branding and design systems but will retain personalization capabilities for each website audience. Drupal allows for seamless integration with business-critical custom solutions that Fitness First Middle East required. Solutions and tools such as Fisikial, MemberFirst, and Eloqua. Drupal allows multiple teams to upload, personalize, and manage content faster and better than before thanks to the built-in streamlined publishing process. Reliable hosting and superior infrastructure allow auto-scaling and continuous upgrades, faster content delivery, and implementation of best practices.


We reorganized the website layout for a more complex grid system for better utilization of spaces The new Fitness First Drupal 8 website features the all-new and powerful layout builder. Layout Builder is a visual design tool. It can be used to create custom layouts for content types, individual entities, and more. Drupal 8's Layout Builder allows content editors and site builders to easily and quickly create visual layouts for displaying content.