Apr 05, 2024
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2-3 months
United States
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Service categories
Service Lines
Mobile Development
Domain focus
Consumer Products & Services
Programming language


1-Project Overview: Nestle used social listening to understand online conversations globally, improve brand image and customer service. 2-Project Challenge: (i) Global reach: Monitoring and analyzing conversations across diverse languages and cultural contexts. (ii) Data volume: Managing and processing a vast amount of data from multiple social media platforms. (iii) Actionable insights: Extracting meaningful insights from the data to guide strategic decision-making. (iV) Multilingual sentiment analysis: Accurately understanding customer sentiment across diverse languages.


Project Outcome: (i) Real-time brand monitoring: PHP web apps interfaced with social media APIs for data collection on brand mentions and trends. (ii) Multilingual sentiment analysis: NLP tools integrated with Elasticsearch analyzed customer sentiment across languages. (iii) Actionable insights: MySQL and Elasticsearch processed data to inform marketing, product development, and customer service strategies. (iV) Proactive response management: Likely employed dedicated customer service channels and social media platforms for swift responses


Project Conclusion: By leveraging social listening techniques and a robust technology stack, this project empowered Nestlé to: (i) Gain deeper insights into customer preferences, brand perception, and emerging market trends. (ii) Proactively engage with customers and address their concerns, fostering stronger brand loyalty. (iii) Make data-driven decisions regarding marketing, product development, and customer service, leading to more targeted and effective approaches. This successful project demonstrates the power of social listening in empowering global brands to connect with their audiences on a deeper level, gain a competitive edge in the international marketplace, and build stronger customer relationships.