Visnext Software Solutions
Dec 05, 2022
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7-12 months
United States, Chicago
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Service Lines
Web Development
Domain focus
Travel & Hospitality
Programming language


- TripScout users felt overwhelmed by an abundance of content, making it challenging to find what they were looking for. - TripScout had difficulty building an automated system that curates the right content for users and puts it in front of them at the right time. - TripScout wanted to expand its reach and curate local content for users in different areas of the world.


TripScout could have solved this problem internally, but it would have significantly hurt their ability to scale. The company was in desperate need of a data scientist who could build out an algorithm that would grow alongside their business. However, hiring one would take up precious training time and financial resources. Of course, their internal team could have manually solved this problem by plugging in the data by hand, but labeling articles for each city and overhauling their entire management system to accommodate the new data structures was quite the task.


Since gravity AI, TripScout has gone from curating trip advice for just 100 cities to now having a worldwide reach. “We have the confidence to let our product work anywhere where there is content,” adds Andy Acs, co-founder and CPO of TripScout. Working with gravity AI has provided TripScout not only with a wide new range of scaling possibilities but also saved precious time. As a startup, it would have taken a lot more time to build out their own service from scratch. Implementing an AI container seamless through gravity AI was just what TripScout needed.
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