Dec 11, 2023
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Less 1 month
United States, Los Angeles
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Consumer Products & Services
Packaging Design


Mexicali Fresh, renowned for its authentic Cali-style Mexican cuisine, presented our design agency with the exciting challenge of conceptualizing packaging for their festive fiesta catering box. The key challenge was to infuse a sense of festivity into the catering box design while ensuring seamless alignment with the existing brand elements. The task involved not only creating an eye-catching and celebratory design but also maintaining a visual harmony that resonated with Mexicali Fresh's established brand identity.


In response to the challenge, our design team undertook a meticulous approach, starting with the creation of bespoke typography for the prominent display of "fiesta kit" on the food box packaging. The integration of Mexicali Fresh's signature shades of purple and green fostered a cohesive appearance, maintaining brand recognition. Cleverly incorporating the circular logo as the dot above the "i" in "fiesta kit" added an authentic touch to the Mexican take-out packaging design. To enhance the allure of the food box packaging, our team introduced a playful tagline inspired by the shape of a taco, creating a semi-circular arrangement that read, "We put it together. You get together."


The ultimate result of our catering box design surpassed expectations, perfectly reflecting Mexicali Fresh's spirited essence while highlighting the brand's unwavering commitment to excellence. The packaging exudes infectious excitement, inviting patrons to embark on a culinary journey filled with delectable flavors and cherished memories. The fusion of festive elements and brand identity not only captivates attention but also ensures a memorable and cohesive experience for customers enjoying Mexicali Fresh's fiesta catering boxes. The design successfully accomplishes the dual purpose of conveying a sense of celebration and reinforcing the strong connection to Mexicali Fresh's established brand identity, ultimately enhancing the overall dining experience for their customers.
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