Aug 30, 2023
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Equality AI

Equality AI

more 1 year
United States
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IoT Development
Web Development
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In today's healthtech space, there are a lot of innovative solutions that help ease the medical processes. A lot of these solutions use machine learning as an important component. Unfortunately, machine learning models can create their own biases and unfairness. Equality AI's mission was to find and develop a solution to help solve healthcare's most challenging problems: inequity, bias, and unfairness.


Equality AI is a web platform that brings human-centred AI & ML solutions and provides a developer-first experience with an end-to-end fairness framework and functionality that can be selectively applied to workflows for fitting models that reduce the risk of biased outcomes. Equality AI Responsible MLOps provides fairness-based machine learning capabilities for data scientists to develop and collaborate with clinical teams to decrease the risk of discrimination in clinical decision-making algorithms.


Equality AI brings modern technology methods by developing an AI that reduces the risk of biased outcomes in order to solve healthcare's most challenging problems. Features: New project creation Custom data upload Customizable code in the Notebook terminal Results interpretation Pre and post-mitigation options