Aug 19, 2022
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Crystal Safal Fasal App
7-12 months
Service categories
Service Lines
Mobile Development
Domain focus
Consumer Products & Services
Programming language
Crystal Crop Protection Limited has developed an application to provide farmers with a complete crop solution to increase crop productivity, from sowing to harvesting.
This app design and developed functionality make it easy for team members (Crystal Doctor) to work with farmers.
Crystal Crop Protection Limited has developed an application to provide farmers with a complete crop solution to increase crop productivity, from sowing to harvesting.
This app design and developed functionality make it easy for team members (Crystal Doctor) to work with farmers.
Crystal Safal Fasal is an Android application with an admin panel design and developed by WOWinfotech for zone and head office. This is an Agronomy type application. Crystal Crop Protection Limited has developed an application to provide farmers with a complete crop solution to increase crop productivity, from sowing to harvesting.
This app design and developed functionality make it easy for team members (Crystal Doctor) to work with farmers.
Crystal Safal Fasal is an Android application with an admin panel design and developed by WOWinfotech for zone and head office. This is an Agronomy type application. Crystal Crop Protection Limited has developed an application to provide farmers with a complete crop solution to increase crop productivity, from sowing to harvesting.
This app design and developed functionality make it easy for team members (Crystal Doctor) to work with farmers.
Here Crystal Field staff can add farmer plots to the application, maintain a data bank, add product demos, hold farmer group meetings, and even add and monitor daily farmer meetings. Here team members can plan their daily work and schedule appointments. This will enable the farmworkers to work more easily and will also make agriculture more favorable to the farmers. Both the admin panels, the head office, and the zonal panel, have easy access to the farmer's data and also receive and monitor the daily visits of the farmers along with the staff.
Here Crystal Field staff can add farmer plots to the application, maintain a data bank, add product demos, hold farmer group meetings, and even add and monitor daily farmer meetings. Here team members can plan their daily work and schedule appointments. This will enable the farmworkers to work more easily and will also make agriculture more favorable to the farmers. Both the admin panels, the head office, and the zonal panel, have easy access to the farmer's data and also receive and monitor the daily visits of the farmers along with the staff.