22 Top Websites for Web Developers That Web Developers Should Follow
If you're a web developer, you know that staying up to date with the latest trends, tools, and best practices is no easy feat. The constant stream of new developments makes it difficult to stay relevant. It's more than a full-time job just to keep up with the daily changes in the industry.
According to the latest Stack Overflow developer survey, there are many sites and resources that web developers often use in their work. We've put together the list of the best websites for web developers: websites where web developers can learn from other developers, get inspiration, and collaborate at all stages of their work and career.
Which website is best for web development?
Many websites offer information about web development and website creation, however, not all of them are created equal and some of them may not be as useful as others. To figure out which website is best for web development, you should study its functionality, popularity, and other factors such as reviews from previous users. It is important that you find out what a particular resource has to offer before choosing it as your source of information.
Here are some of the best websites for web developers that we have compiled for you and that you can follow:

GitHub is the world’s largest software development platform and hosts more than 28 million code repositories. It has become the go-to place for web developers to host their code, collaborate with other developers and find code libraries. The site makes it easy to contribute new code or fix bugs in other people's projects.
Github has a long list of plugins that web developers can use. These plugins allow you to manage your issues, pull requests, and comments in an easy manner.
The best part about using Github for a web developer is that it gives you access to many other tools like Trello, JIRA, GitLab, etc.
Founded by Tom Preston-Werner, Chris Wanstrath, and PJ Hyett in March 2008, the site was acquired by Microsoft in 2018 for US$7.5 billion.
Key Features
- Integrated Code Management: Git provides a centralized location for managing all versions of your code. You can merge changes from other branches, download them as standalone packages or import them into your project using GitHub Desktop or GitHub Flavored Markdown files
- GitHub is a version control system that helps you keep track of your files. It allows you to quickly manage and share your code with others in real-time and provides you with an online space to explore what others are doing.
- Version Control for All Types of Projects: Whether you're working on a single project or managing thousands of them, Git gives you the freedom to work on as many branches as you want without having to switch between tools
- Collaborate With Others: Share branches with team members, discuss designs together or even invite them to collaborate directly in real-time
- Merge Changes From Others: Merge changes from other developers.
Key Metrics
- Global rank: #73
- Total Visit: 380.8M
- Free
- Team $4 per user/month
- Enterprise $21 per user/month

CSS-Tricks is a blog and community of web designers and developers. It’s one of the most popular blogs in the industry, with over 2 million unique visitors per month.
The blog has a great deal of information about CSS, including how it works, how to use it effectively (and even what not to do), as well as tutorials on specific areas like typography or form design.
Key Features
- CSS tricks website will help you to learn CSS tricks and make your site more beautiful.
- CSS tricks is a very useful website for web designers and developers because it's full of different examples and tutorials with detailed information about each trick.
- The best thing about this website is that it's easy to use and you can find everything you need by just searching it in the search bar of the page or clicking on any article.
- The site is not only for beginners but also for professionals who want to improve their skills and knowledge in web designing and development.
Key Metrics
- Global Rank: #15,579
- Total Visit: 5.8M
- Free
Indie Hackers

Indie hackers are the people who build the coolest stuff on the web.
The indie hacker movement is a subculture of developers who build their own websites and apps, often for free. They're inspired by open-source software, which means that anyone can take the code they've built and modify it to suit their needs. In fact, they often create their own versions of popular web tools in order to improve them.
Indie hackers come from all walks of life — not just programmers — and they tend to be passionate about their work. They're constantly looking for new ways to improve their setups and make things faster, more secure, and easier to use.
They don't always have the resources available to create high-quality websites on their own so they rely on free tools like GitHub Pages or Heroku instead. Some even build their servers from scratch!
Key Features
Indie hackers are a community of people who are building websites, apps, and other things.
A lot of these indies are self-taught and they share their work with the world. They also share their knowledge and experience to help others in the same field.
There are no major rules or requirements for these indies. However, you will find some common things among them such as:
- The most important thing about indie hackers is that it has been created by people who have a passion for coding and web development. These indies have all the experience and knowledge needed to design and build beautiful websites.
- You can find hundreds of tutorials on how to build websites from this community site. You can also visit forums where you can ask questions regarding your projects and get instant answers from other developers who have already solved similar problems before you even thought about doing so!
- There are many useful tools available on this website that will help you in saving time while working on your projects instead of reinventing wheels every time when you need a new feature or functionality added to your site!
Key Metrics
- Global rank: #41,841
- Total Visit: 1.2M
- Free

StackOverflow is a question-and-answer site for professional and enthusiast programmers. The website has been in operation since 2008, but it's still one of the most popular places to go on the Internet if you're looking for answers to your programming questions.
StackOverflow maintains a repository of questions, answers, comments, and discussions related to programming languages like Python or JavaScript. The site also features community-driven projects such as the Programming Language Popularity Leaderboard, which lists languages based on how many people use them in their jobs (or hobbies).
Key Features
- A wide variety of programming languages are supported by StackOverflow so you can find the right answer for your problem;
- You can ask questions anonymously or provide your identity so other developers can help you;
- Each question includes a “Q&A” section where users can discuss the best way to solve the problem;
- All questions are closed once they are answered, so there is no need to wait for someone else to post an answer before you can get one;
- The site provides statistics about how many people have asked each question and how often it has been answered;
- You can take a test to see how well you know different programming languages by trying out different ones at random intervals;
Key Metrics
- Global rank: #199
- Total Visit: 380.8M
- Free
- Basic $6 USD per teammate/month
- Business $12 USD per teammate/month

DZone is a community of web developers and IT professionals who are passionate about sharing knowledge and helping each other advance in their careers.
DZone has more than 1,000,000 members and is one of the largest communities of software developers in the world.
Key Features
- DZone provides a forum for developers to share knowledge, collaborate on projects, and learn from others.
- DZone is a popular website for web developers because it has a large database of tutorials, skills, and tools that can help you become better at your job.
Key Metrics
- Global rank: #43,153
- Total Visit: 2.0M
- Free
Hacker News

Hacker News is a social news website that covers technology and web culture. The site has been around since 2003, but it’s still one of the most popular online destinations for developers and programmers to find new tools and technologies.
You can find on Hacker News almost anything related to computer programming—from new frameworks and libraries to tutorials on how to build apps using them. You will also find discussions about other topics such as politics, business strategy, philosophy, or even just simple entertainment like movies or comics!
Key Features
- Hacker News has its own Reddit-like site where you can submit your articles. It's similar to how Stack Exchange works with Quora.
- You can search through all the articles on Hacker News and see what other people think about that particular topic.
- You can vote up or down on posts and comments, so it's great for finding out what other people think about a particular technology or project.
Key Metrics
- Global rank: #7,403
- Total Visit: 9.7M
- Free

W3Schools is one of the world's largest online resources for web development, design, and related topics. The team of experts at W3Schools has extensive knowledge in the areas of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as a large number of free resources to help you learn more about these technologies.
The site provides tutorials, articles, and books that can be used by beginners and experienced developers alike. The website also features an API that allows users to integrate W3Schools content into their websites or applications.
Key Features
- W3Schools offers a comprehensive set of features that Web Developer should follow. These include:
- Free access to 100+ video tutorials on various technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more;
- A huge database with over 4 million questions and answers on different topics;
- A search engine that lets you find what you are looking for in just a few clicks;
- A discussion forum where you can share your knowledge with others and get help from experts in the field;
- Access to paid premium content such as video training courses for specializations like Responsive Web Designing, Mobile Apps Development, etc.;
Key Metrics
- Global rank: #670
- Total Visit: 9.7M
- Free

TutsPlus is a website for web developers, designers, and other professionals who want to learn new skills or expand their knowledge. The site has been around since 2003 and has grown into one of the largest online communities for learning programming languages like HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.
TutsPlus has over 1 million videos on its site covering everything from beginner tutorials to advanced topics in software development. You can also find articles written by authors who have previously published books on these technologies and experts offering commentary on current trends in the industry (such as mobile apps).
Tuts+ also has an active community on forums where you can ask questions or discuss your favorite topics with other users. If you're just starting with coding or design work, this place will give you a great starting point!
Key Features
- You can view the latest video tutorials on their homepage, which is useful for beginners who want to learn about web development.
- They have more than 8,000 videos on their platform and they update them regularly so you will always be up-to-date with the latest techniques and technologies.
- The tutorials are divided into several categories including JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, and more. These categories make it easy for anyone to browse through the site and find what they need.
Key Metrics
- Global rank: #12,663
- Total Visit: 380.8 M
- Free
MDN Web Docs

MDN Web Docs is a community site for web developers. It has articles on all aspects of the web development industry, including tools, frameworks, and best practices. The site also features interviews with people who have been in the field for years or even decades and provides them with an opportunity to share their experience with others who may be new to the world of programming languages or software architecture design principles.
MDN Web Docs are one of the best places for you if you want information about how things work in this industry!
Key Features
- MDN Web Docs is a great resource for web developers. It contains a massive collection of all types of web development resources, including HTML5 and CSS3 code, plugins and tools, tutorials and guides, and much more.
- The website also offers developer reference guides to help you learn more about the technologies you need to know. If you’re looking for the latest web trends, MDN Web Docs has them covered too: it’s one of the best sources for Web Development News on the Internet.
Key Metrics
- Global rank: #573
- Total Visit: 380.8M
- MDN Core A free plan
- MDN Plus 5 A $5/month
- MDN Supporter 10 A $10/month
WPBeginner (WordPress)

WPBeginner is a great resource for WordPress tutorials, news, plugins, and themes.
It's one of the most popular websites in the world for web developers who want to learn how to develop websites with WordPress. The site provides an extensive library of articles on all aspects of web development including HTML5/CSS3/WordPress coding tips and tricks as well as advanced tutorials on topics like building custom templates using Twig or using PHP frameworks like Laravel or Symfony when developing large-scale projects (like e-commerce stores).
It also features an active community where you can ask questions about your project or just share what you've learned so far!
Key Features
- WPBeginner is a complete guide to WordPress, with loads of great tutorials.
- The tutorials are easy to follow, and the site has a great range of topics.
- WPBeginner also has an active community where you can post questions or get help on any technical issue you might have.
Key Metrics
- Global rank: #29,279
- Total Visit: 3.0M
- Free
TutorialZine (jQuery)

TutorialZine is a website for web development companies that offers a large collection of jQuery tutorials. The site has been around for over three years and provides more than 1,000 tutorials on all topics related to JavaScript, PHP, Python, and other programming languages.
Tutorials are divided into categories such as HTML5 & CSS3; WordPress; JavaScript Libraries (jQuery); Debugging Tools - Visual Studio Code; Performance Optimization Techniques & Tools such as YSlow or Page Speed Insights that you can use when developing websites or applications using your favorite frameworks such as Bootstrap 3 or Foundation 5 etc.,
You will also find articles about how to architect better websites by following best practices like MVC architecture (Model View Controller), which helps in creating secure applications optimized with security features like HTTPS protocol whereas SPDY protocol is used when there's no need for encryption because it's faster than HTTP but slower than SSL/TLS connection due to its overhead costs
Key Features
- TutorialZine is a website for video tutorials that includes more than 1,000 videos covering web development and other IT topics. The site provides free video tutorials for web developers and others interested in learning new skills.
- TutorialZine's home page features an RSS feed of all the latest content on the site, as well as an option to subscribe to the feed. You can also view TutorialZine's archives of past videos, which are organized by category such as "Web Development" or "Mobile Apps & Websites."
- TutorialZine offers a variety of quality resources for web developers and software engineers who want to learn more about developing applications for the Web or mobile devices. The site's videos are presented in bite-sized chunks that should appeal to anyone looking to learn how to build websites or apps using HTML5 or Javascript (among other languages).
- TutorialZine also offers some premium content such as downloadable code samples and templates, along with free ebooks that teach you how to use certain technologies such as AngularJS and Bootstrap 3.
Key Metrics
- Global rank: #602,960
- Total Visit: 72.8K
- Free

Dev.to is one of the best websites for web developers. This website focuses on web development, web design, and other things in the field of technology.
Dev.to has a large community of developers who are active in sharing their knowledge and experience.
Dev.to is an open source blog that publishes articles about web development and programming languages. The website has an excellent search facility where you can find any information about software development using advanced search techniques like Boolean, Regular Expressions, or wildcards.
Key Features
- Community of web developers and designers from around the world.
- A place to share your web development projects, tools, and more.
- A place where you can find inspiration for new projects or gain knowledge about existing ones.
- Share your work on Dev.to, get feedback from other developers, and learn from them too!
Key Metrics
- Global rank: #7,177
- Total Visit: 12.0M
- Free
HTML5 Doctor

HTML5 Doctor is a website for web developers. It's a blog, but it also has articles and videos that can help you learn about HTML5. You can find tutorials on everything from how to set up your development environment to how to create responsive sites.
HTML5 Doctor offers an easy way for beginners to get started with HTML5 and CSS3 by offering free eBooks, which include templates and lessons in their PDF format.
Key Features
- HTML5 Doctor is one of the most comprehensive resources on HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. It has a wide range of tutorials for developers who want to learn more about HTML5.
- HTML5 Doctor has a large library of resources for web developers. The site has thousands of articles on different topics, such as responsive design, performance optimization, and more.
- HTML5 Doctor is updated regularly with new articles, videos, and other content.
Key Metrics
- Global rank: #802,940
- Total Visit: 380.8M
- Free

SitePoint is a website that helps web designers and developers learn how to create and maintain websites. It has a large collection of articles, tutorials, screencasts, and other resources for web development.
SitePoint was founded by Alex Eames in 1998 as an online resource for the design community. The site now offers courses on SEO, responsive design, and more.
Key Features
Sitepoint offers a collection of articles and tutorials on web development, including HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, JavaScript, and more.
The site is also home to some great resources for Web Developers who are looking to improve their skills. These include:
- A collection of HTML5 tutorials with plenty of examples and code snippets.
- A list of JavaScript libraries that can be used to make your life easier when building websites.
- A selection of books written by experts in the field can help you learn more about technologies like HTML5 and CSS3.
Key Metrics
- Global rank: #37,352
- Total Visit: 380.8M
- Annual Membership $6 /month Billed annually
- Monthly Plan $9 /month
- Download+ Membership $15 /month Billed annually

Noupe is a website that aims to help web developers build better websites. Noupe is a design and development website with a focus on everything related to the web. It has a very active community of designers, developers, and other industry professionals who post news, articles, discussions, tips, and tricks,s and more.
Key Features
- Noupe is a website that has been created by web developers for web developers. It's full of information, inspiration, and resources for people who build websites or work with them.
- It's an online publication that covers a wide range of topics, from design and development to marketing and advertising.
- noupe is written for the modern web worker who wants to improve his or her skills and knowledge.
Key Metrics
- Global rank: #636,320
- Total Visit: 380.8M
- Free
What sites do web designers use?
Web designers use many different tools to create the countless websites they create daily. Some sites are designed to help in the development process. Others are designed to improve image quality and accessibility on mobile devices.
Here is the top website that most web designers use:
Web Designer Depot

Web Designer Depot is a resource for designers and developers who want to find the best online resources for web design and development.
This site is all about providing you with quality information on how to make your website look awesome, from how to choose colors through font selection and everything in between. They have tons of useful articles that will help you understand what goes into making websites look professional, as well as how they should be built.
The best part about this site is that it covers everything from learning HTML/CSS basics to advanced topics such as responsive design or pagination. You can also find some great samples of work done by other people who use these tools on their websites!
Key Features
- This is one of the main features of this website. You can find over 200,000 free designs on this website which will help you in creating your next website or app faster than ever before.
- If you are looking for a font then this site will help you find it in no time at all. There are thousands of different fonts available on the site which makes it really easy for anyone who wants to create their own unique font design or logo design.
- Icons are also another important feature of Web Designer Depot which helps you create your own unique icon designs quickly. There are thousands of icons available on this site so if you have an idea for an icon then there is no need to worry about finding one because they are all available here!
Key Metrics
- Global rank: #146,861
- Total Visit: 380.8M
- Free
Smashing Magazine

Smashing Magazine is a source for professional web designers and developers. It provides information about the latest design trends, tools, and techniques to help you create beautiful websites that are easy to maintain. You can also find articles on recent changes in the industry as well as interviews with industry leaders who discuss their work processes and philosophies behind their work.
The magazine also has some great content for developers to read about:
- Web Development Books - If you're looking for ideas on how to develop websites or apps (or if you just want more information about HTML5), then this is the place for you!
- How-To Guides - If it's something simple like creating an email subscription form or making an email signup form work better on your website then these articles will help!
- CSS Tutorials - If there's one thing all web developers should know how to do it's CSS coding because without this skill set no one would be able to read their code so learning how things work within CSS files can help improve efficiency while working on projects too!
Key Features
- If you're a web developer, chances are you spend most of your time in front of a computer screen. You might also like to read about web development and design, which is why Smashing Magazine is such a great resource.
- The site offers articles on everything from HTML5 and JavaScript to accessibility, CSS frameworks, and more. It also offers tutorials and guides to help you get the most out of your new knowledge.
- This is an excellent resource for anyone who wants to become more proficient in their chosen field. The articles are written by some of the best in the business and cover everything from beginner topics up to advanced techniques that will take your skills to the next level.
Key Metrics
- Global Rank: #50,379
- Total Visit: 1.6M
- Free

Dribbble is one of the most popular sites for web developers, with an impressive community of designers, developers, and entrepreneurs.
The site offers great inspiration for new designers, as well as a rich library of user-submitted designs. Dribbble also features a "Featured" section that showcases the best work from its community of designers.
Key Features
- Dribbble is a community of designers, who share their work and insights in the form of design-centric photos and videos.
- Dribbble allows users to post their work in a gallery or upload an entire project. Users can also follow other users, and view their highlights and other projects that they have liked. Users can also comment on each other's work.
- Users can also view Dribbble's trending tags, which display the most popular tags for that day's posts.
Key Metrics
- Global rank: #2,935
- Total Visit: 16.0M
- Free
Web Designer Wall

Web Designer Wall is a web design and development community. It has a forum, blog, and job board for the members to share their experiences. There are also plenty of tutorials, articles, and resources available on the website which help you to get started with your web development projects.
The site has a large collection of free web design templates that can be downloaded by anyone who wants to make their website easily without any knowledge about HTML or CSS language.
Key Features
- Web Designer Wall is a website dedicated to web designers and developers.
- You can find all the latest information about web design and development, as well as resources for learning more about web design and development.
Key Metrics
- Global rank: #912,258
- Total Visit: 380.8M
- Free

1stWebDesigner is a website for web designers and developers. It has a lot of useful information for web developers, such as tutorials, articles, and other resources that can help you learn how to become an expert in your field.
Key Features
- There are lots of great tutorials on 1stWebDesigner that are easy to follow. You can read them at your own pace and learn more about different aspects of web development.
- The site also has articles about topics related to web development. These articles can be easy to understand because they are written in plain English. They will help you if you don't know what the subject means or if you want to find out more about it.
- You can find useful links on the site as well as a list of other websites where you can find even more resources related to web development.
Key Metrics
- Global rank: #420,018
- Total Visit: 138.6K
- Free
Web Appers

Web Appers is a web design and development blog for designers, developers, and those in between. If you’re looking for inspiration on how to build an app or website from scratch, this site will give you the tools needed to learn what works best in today's market.
The site has been around since 2008 and is home to over 1 million articles written by expert writers who have years of experience under their belts. They cover topics like SEO, HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript/jQuery, etc., which makes it easier than ever before for newbies (like myself) who may not know exactly where they should begin when starting on their journey to becoming an expert developer or designer!
Key Features
- Web apps Here you will find articles on all kinds of topics regarding web apps, ranging from design to development. It also includes some tutorials on creating your own applications.
- The site regularly publishes new content.
- It is run by the WebAppers team, which means you get to know more about the people behind the web app development.
Key Metrics
- Global rank: #8,722,365
- Total Visit: 5K
- Free
What is the world's largest web developer site?
GitHub is the largest website for web developers. It has more than 380 million visitors, who are actively collaborating on code, designing, and writing. The site offers a range of programming languages and tools, and it's also a great place to host your projects.
GitHub is also a great place for sharing your work with other people. You can create private repositories for each project and invite others to collaborate on them. There's even an option for hosting private repositories so only certain people with approved access can see them.
GitHub was founded by Chris Wanstrath and Tom Preston-Werner in 2008 when they were both students at the University of Maryland. The site has since expanded to include code repositories from companies such as Twitter, Pinterest, and SoundCloud as well as individual developers.
Is Mark Zuckerberg a web developer?
Mark Zuckerberg is a web developer and has been working on the creation of Facebook since its very first days. He is also the founder of the largest social media platform in the world, which he created using HTML, JavaScript, and PHP.
Zuckerberg is one of the most successful entrepreneurs in recent memory. And his success is due to his ability to understand what people want and how they want to get it, regardless of how difficult or impossible those things might seem at the time.
If you're a web developer, you need to follow Mark Zuckerberg because he understands this concept better than anyone else on the planet.
Being a web developer takes a lot of time and effort demanding strong analytical skills, but being a good web developer means more than just knowing how to code. The best developers are the ones who can properly manage their time, distinguish good and bad code, and know when is the right time to use certain technologies. Knowing the ins and outs of the business world has always been an advantage for developers, which helped them gain even more respect from their clients and other people in their field.
So you see, every good developer not only knows at least one language relevant to their work but also understands other aspects of the business to be able to pursue his career as far as possible. Daily use these websites, and you'll stay on top of trends and developments in web design.