Whenever it comes to software development, you should always be ready with a set development methods i.e. hybrid, agile, or waterfall.

Now, your choice is dependent on several important things. This specifically involves the framework of your particular project, the skills of your developer, and also the ability of the project head to formulate the correct verdict.

Previously, the two most popular and widely used methods included agile and waterfall. But, currently, there is a rising demand for hybrid app development. This is specifically due to the number of benefits which are offered by this particular method.


This method can be comparable to building a house. In this case, the key to accomplishment involves the groundwork.  

So, it is your job to focus on it. The overall team focuses to work on a single segment at a specific time and they move to the next after completion of the first one. After the particular product is deployed, this is subjected to testing.

Therefore, from the very beginning, you should be clear about the initial concept of the software as there is no going back after the completion of a phase. But, if you wish to start from scratch, then you need to go back.


  • You would be able to easily pick up your software in case you wish to do so due to the detailed documentation.
  • As everything is documented in a comprehensive and detailed manner and so, in case, you focus on rapidly choose a developer, it should not have any effect on the project.
  • Everyone is well aware of the project. Not only that, but they should effectively decide the project timeline, size, and costs.


There is no going back once developers focus on completing a section. You are having very little flexibility. Also, you are competent to fiddle with specific changes all the way through.

If there is the involvement of the clients, then it gets even more complex. There are chances that you might go over budget and end up with protracted deadlines.

So, it can be said that the classic waterfall approach is considered to be a good option to choose whenever there is a definite as well as a clear depiction of specifically the scope of the project.

Too many stakeholders are not involved in this method. Also, this particular method is not regarded as a complex one.


Agile was developed due to some of the disadvantages that are associated with the waterfall method.  When compared to the waterfall, agile is considered to be a more iterative method to choose.

In this case, a project is separated into sprints. Also, those who are involved in working on these sprints involve collaborative teams. In the end, they specifically come collectively for discussing the progress well.

They also focus on collaboratively working out issues. Not only that, but testing is specifically conceded at the end of each sprint, but not on the project end. This also makes sure that any of the mistakes or bugs are fixed right away.


  • Clients can contribute to providing input specifically at the end of every sprint. So, they do not have to wait until the overall project is completed.
  • Bugs are caught as well as fixed early on.
  • It is very easy to delete or add specific features as the particular project moves along.
  • You can focus on adjusting and iterating requirements along the way.


This particular method needs a fully committed team who works collaboratively.

An expert project manager contributes to play a very important role in this process as they can define as well as assign sprints in a correct manner. Any project can be spoiled due to the issues arising in the team or with the manager.

Agile is considered to be a suitable method when both the developers and also clients are well aware of the fact that the project scope will alter as it specifically goes forward. This is also important when rapid production plays a very important role.

Currently, other than software development, a lot of the industries are focused to make use of this particular method. This is applicable whenever big projects are considered to be composite and so, they would be able to separate this specifically into chunks.

In this case, it becomes very important to consider a professional copywriting service provider who is involved in providing complex and large products for the clients such as e-books, chapters, white papers, and a lot more.

Tasks, chapters, or sections can be specifically classified among writing as well as research teams and so, that they can work at the same time on it.

They should come together regularly for reporting as well as discussion. In this way, they can always ensure high quality and meet tight deadlines.


As evident from the above-mentioned section, agile development is becoming the preferred development method. Also, you cannot deny the great advantages provided by the waterfall.

The project managers come across a lot of confusion regarding which one to choose for their needs. In this case, a hybrid model contributes to play a very important role.

The main objective of a hybrid technique is to successfully describe the necessities upfront which involves budgeting, planning, etc. But, whenever it comes to testing, development, and design, it is very important to move onto an agile approach.

The best part about the hybrid is that it contributes to effectively combine the best of the waterfall as well as agile.

As a result, this helps to make them work together. Another important thing to keep in mind is that the advantages and also disadvantages that come with these methods remain the same.

The Method Of Development To Opt For

You should go for waterfall if you are having a comprehensible representation, scope, as well as diminutive stakeholder influence.

On the other hand, you need to choose Agile if you do not wish to set anything in the beginning. Choosing Agile will make sure that you can switch it up specifically at any time.

Finally, hybrid is regarded as the best option to go for in case you want the best of both worlds. Due to this particular reason, you should focus on choosing one depending on your unique requirements.

So, you should first gain a proper understanding of the available options. This helps you to be well prepared for the projects. Other than that, you should also focus on setting a time frame for the project.

While choosing one for your unique needs, you should also ask some important questions to yourself such as:

  • What is the context of the project?
  • What is the time frame?
  • Are you having the skill set in your team?
  • Will external stakeholders possess an impact?

Final Words

So, the above-discussed ones are some of the most important things to keep in mind while deciding between waterfall, agile or hybrid app development.

Hermit Chawla
CEO and Founder
AIS Technolabs
Hermit Chawla is a MD at AIS Technolabs which is a Web/App design and Development Company, helping global businesses to grow by Global Clients. He loves to share his thoughts on Web & App Development, Clone App Development and Game Development.

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When To Use An Agile, Waterfall, Or Hybrid Development