Mar 22, 2024
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2-3 months
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Web Development
Domain focus
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We were approached by Inkitt to create a reader magnet for their Galatea e-book app. Reader magnets are calls to action at the end of a book that encourage readers to subscribe to an author's newsletter in exchange for exclusive content, usually an additional chapter of the book the reader has just read, or the first few chapters of the next book in the series. The main goal of the Galatea reader magnet is to create landing pages for author's books that will interest the user and serve as a call to subscribe to the author's newsletter in exchange for exclusive content.


Our clients had tight deadlines and we had to complete the project in one month. We wanted to create something really cool and catchy, so we invited our partners from the Dudka Agency to create the design. Since installing the test server, we have shown our progress to clients daily. The client's representative regularly gave us feedback, so our team moved very quickly towards the goal. We completed the project on time and were satisfied with the cooperation with our partners, clients and the created project.


The development of Galatea consisted of creating UI components using React, TypeScript and Tailwind CSS. Keystone.js and GraphQL were used for the backend and admin page, while Next.js. — as an interface. Auth0 was used for authorization, and we implemented the storage of subscribed users using MailChimp. SendGrid was used to send emails. More than 100 authors have already started using the readers magnet, and this number is increasing every day. We just created an MVP, so we expect new features in the future.