React.js has always been on the list of the most trending technologies. According to Stack Overflow, about 70% of developers want to continue to work with React.js. To develop a web application with React.js, it’s crucial to hire a skilled professional. 

Of course, hiring the best talent is not an easy task. To make things easier for you, we’ve come up with practical tips on how to hire a Reactjs developer for your project.

Top Skills to Look for While Hiring a React.js Developer

Depending on your project requirements, you need to look for the specific skillset of a React.js developer. The top skills of React.js developers are similar to the ones of front-end developers’. So, you can check out for the following expertise:

  • Knowledge of front-end basics such as HTML and CSS;
  • Good command of JSX and other React.js components;
  • Knowledge of third-party tools to complement React.js libraries;
  • Experience building JS apps and deploying them on the cloud.

Where to Hire a React.js Developer

There are multiple options for where to find React.js developers. Here are several most popular ways.

  • Referrals. Yes, they still work. You can ask for a referral in your business environment. It’s a great way to find a professional with a good reputation.
  • Online job platforms. There are many platforms where you can post a job vacancy and communicate with applicants. Among them are, Toptal, Guru, Stack Overflow Jobs, Upwork, etc.
  • Social media. The most popular social media network to find relevant expertise is LinkedIn. There are many profiles of professionals in different areas, and you can contact them directly.
  • Local and remote recruitment agencies. You can also turn to a recruiting agency, for example, if you need to extend your in-house team but don’t want to spend time on screening and interviewing.
  • Outsourcing companies. Alternatively, you can hire a software development company that will take care of the entire hiring and  development process.

How to Hire a React.js Developer

Make Your Project Description

Before hiring React.js developers for your project, you need to define its requirements and work scope. What kind of app will address your business challenges? Would you like to scale your current application or build a brand new one from scratch? What functionality will you include? Is it going to be a long-term or short-term project? These and other questions will help you describe your project. 

Why is it critical to have a project description before hiring React.js developers? It’s simple. With a detailed project scope, you’ll understand how many developers you need and what expertise you’ll look for in React.js developers. Finally, you’ll be able to write a detailed job description that will help you find developers with relevant experience.

Estimate the Budget You Need to Hire a React.js Developer

Once you’ve prepared a detailed description of your project scope, you are ready to define what budget is required to hire React.js developers. First of all, determine how many specialists you need to satisfy your project demands. Is it one React.js developer or would you need a team of developers? Depending on your requirements, you can select between hiring freelancers or ordering outsourcing development services.

Average Software Developer with React.js Skills Salary. Source: 

The former option is cheaper than hiring a React.js development team from an outsourcing company. But it’s not a good idea to choose this option for a long-term project as working with a freelancer may have specific nuances. Long-term projects typically require a high level of organization and engagement, while freelancers can work on several projects and may not focus only on yours. However, hiring freelance React.js developers with enough expertise may be a good option for a short-term project with the exact project scope and time frames.

Alternatively, when you hire a dedicated development team or opt for staff augmentation services from a software development company, you get the React.js developers that will work full-time for your project. Depending on the engagement model, you can entrust all management and development processes to the outsourcing company or do it yourself. Of course, such full-cycle services are more expensive, but if you explore the offshore development market, you will find many companies offering them at affordable rates.

Hiring an Outsourcing Company or a Freelancer: Pros and Cons

After defining your developer budget-fit, you can decide on hiring a software company or a freelancer. Consider the advantages and disadvantages below before making a final decision. 

Pros of Hiring a React.js Development Company

  • Software development companies are more reliable when it comes to long-term projects.
  • They ensure confidentiality, the entire communication process, and efficient organization;
  • An outsourcing company is responsible for the entire development cycle if opting for a dedicated team model.
  • There’s more flexibility if you need to extend your team.
  • Software companies are more likely to form long-term relationships.
  • The hiring process is much faster.

Cons of Hiring a React.js Development Company

  • Development costs are higher.

Pros of Hiring Freelancers

  • Development costs are lower.
  • Freelancers are always available if you need to hire them for urgent requirements when they arise.

Cons of Hiring Freelancers

  • You need to do hiring and onboarding on your own.
  • You have to plan project management compared to hiring a development company where project managers typically do it.
  • There’s a lack of reliability for long-term projects as they may leave your project at any moment.

Take the Interview or Trust This Function to an Outsourcing Company

The final step is an interview with potential candidates. In case you hire a freelancer, you’ll have to interview yourself. So, be sure you think over the things you want to ask, including:

  • The candidate’s knowledge of front-end development and the React.js framework;
  • Their previous experience working on similar projects;
  • Their portfolio if necessary.

If you opt for hiring an outsourcing company, they typically take responsibility for the entire hiring and onboarding process, though ensuring transparency at every stage. However, you can request a final interview with you to approve the candidate.


It’s clear that hiring a React.js developer from an established development company is a better choice if your budget isn’t tight and your project is long-term. Still, freelance React.js developers can satisfy the urgent requirements of a short-term project. Still, when deciding to hire a React.js developer, weigh all pros and cons to choose the best fit for your project. 

Victoria Puzhevich
Director Of Business Development
Victoria Puzhevich is a Lead Specialist at SCAND. Having over 15 years of experience in the IT industry, Victoria is obsessed with all tech-related things. Her passion is to provide insights on the latest IT industry trends and help companies grow their business through technology.

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Hiring a React.js Developer? Consider These Things First