The world today is becoming more data-driven and is about to enter the next level of AI. This transformation is possible because of neural networks. This is because these neural networks strengthen and train machines such as computers or smartphones toward identifying, learning, and correctly predicting as a human mind would. As a result, this helps machines in solving routine issues. 

With this in mind, it's easy to be fascinated by the concept of neural networks and how they can be used for software development. If so, you've come to the right place as this guide looks at how you can use neural networks for this purpose. 

What's A Neural Network? 

When learning from cnvrg and other companies like it about neural networks, you first need to understand its meaning. The term ‘neural’ got its name from neurons or nerve cells, the basic functional unit of a human or animal’s nervous system. A neural network then refers to an algorithm that imitates the operations of the human brain through machine learning. Thanks to this, the neural network can identify patterns and process them more efficiently. This is possible because of its enhanced problem-solving and pattern recognition capabilities, unlike conventional computers.

Neural networks can also be referred to as simulated neural networks (SNNs) or artificial neural networks (ANNs). Both the architecture and functionality of the neural network are based on the human brain. Its architecture consists of node layers spread across the input layer, multiple or single hidden layers, and an output layer. 

Numerous types of neural networks exist, and they're classified according to the neurons used, density, data flow, structure, depth activation filters, and layers, to name a few. Here's a look at the different types of neural networks; 

  • Multilayer Perceptron 
  • Feed Forward Neural Network 
  • Modular Neural Network 
  • Radial Basis Functional Neural Network 
  • Recurrent Neural Network 
  • Perceptron 
  • Modular Neural Network 
  • Sequence to Sequence Models
  • Long Short-Term Memory – LSTM 
  • Convolutional Neural Network 

Using Neural Networks for Software Development 

Now that you understand what neural networks are, the next thing is to find their use for software development. Neural networks can be used in software development because of their large interconnected processing nodes which can learn to recognize patterns from input data. Here's a look at some practical ways you can use neural networks for software development;  

1. Enable Speech Recognition

Neural networks are being used more for speech recognition. They can do this because they can be trained to recognize patterns in data and are very good at it. Therefore, they can capably assess human speech regardless of varying language, tone, pitch, accents, and patterns. There are many different applications for neural networks in speech recognition, such as:

  • Automatic Speech Recognition: This is where the neural network is trained to recognize speech patterns and then convert them into text. This is very useful for things like voice-to-text applications.
  • Speaker Identification: This is where the neural network is used to identify the speaker based on their voice. This can be used for things like security applications or identifying people over the phone.
  • Speaker Verification: This is where the neural network is used to verify that a person is who they say they are. This can be used for things like authentication or fraud detection.

Famous companies have used neural networks to develop transcription software and virtual assistants. Some of the practical applications include; 

  • Convert clinical discussions in real-time into documentation. 
  • Automatically categorize calls and help call center agents. 
  • Correctly subtitle meetings and video recordings for a broader content reach. 

These speech recognition applications prove how valuable neural networks are for software development. 

2. Facilitate Natural Language Processing

Natural language processing (NLP) is the capability of processing natural and human-created text. Using neural networks in natural language processing is increasingly being adopted to help computers collect insights and meaning from documents and text. Neural networks are very good at pattern recognition, and language data is full of patterns. This is why the use of neural networks is today being used more to process natural language data. Neural networks can also be used for language generation and translation tasks.

Some practical examples of how neural networks are used include; 

  • Analyzing business intelligence as long-form documents such as forms and emails. 
  • Automating chatbots and virtual agents. 
  • Article generalization and document summarization for a specific topic. 
  • Indexing crucial phrases which specify sentiment, for instance, negative or positive comments on social media. 

One of the most exciting things about neural networks is that they can learn to do things humans find difficult or impossible. For example, they can learn to translate between languages without prior knowledge of the programming languages involved. This is something that current machine translation systems can't do.

Neural networks are also being used to generate text. This is usually done by first training a neural network on a large corpus of text. Once the neural network has learned the text patterns, it can generate new text that sounds similar to the original text. 

With that said, text generation is a difficult task. Because of this, neural networks aren't yet able to generate text indistinguishable from the human-generated text. However, they're getting better all the time and will likely be able to eventually generate text that's just as good as that generated by a human. 

3. Apply On Face Detection

Neural networks have been used for face detection in a variety of ways. One approach is to train a neural network to detect facial features, such as eyes, nose, and mouth. Another approach is to use a pre-trained neural network that has already been trained on a large dataset of faces.

Neural networks can be used in the development of face detection software. These are the most commonly used techniques for pattern recognition. They’re used for object recognition, speech recognition, and facial detection. Neural networks are designed to recognize different faces from different angles with different lighting conditions. They can also be trained by using images of faces taken from different angles.

With this in mind, neural networks can be used to develop face detection software. The software subsequently can be used to identify faces in images and generate a list of candidates that are likely to be the face in the image. In other words, it tries to find out which image contains the face.

The process of face recognition starts with a training set that consists of images with known faces and without known faces. The network learns by identifying patterns in the training set data which are present in only certain images and not others. Once trained, it can then be used as an input to another neural network that searches for similar patterns in new pictures.

The algorithm used by neural networks when developing face detection software is similar to the one used by humans to recognize faces. It consists of a series of several stages that are built on top of one another. At every step, the neural network learns something new about the image or audio data it has been fed so far. This process is called supervised learning because it requires that you label some data as being ‘positive’ or ‘negative.’ The positive examples may be images or sounds that belong to a specific category. 

Neural networks aren't just limited to simple applications like facial recognition and image classification. They can also be used for more complex computer vision tasks like object detection and image segmentation. In object detection, a neural network is trained to identify and localize objects in an image. This can be used for applications like security cameras, wherein it's important to know that there's an object in the frame and identify its exact spot.

Image segmentation is another important computer vision task, and neural networks can be used to perform this as well. Segmentation is the process of partitioning an image into different regions, and it can be used for tasks like identifying different objects in an image or extracting foreground from background.

Neural networks are considered an essential application of artificial intelligence because they can learn from experience rather than being explicitly programmed or trained. This makes them useful for applications such as face detection software, wherein it’s necessary to identify objects such as faces, humans, or vehicles based on their appearance and other features.

One of the most successful applications of neural networks for face detection is the Viola-Jones algorithm. This algorithm uses a cascade of Haar-like features to detect faces in images. The Viola-Jones algorithm has been widely used in a variety of applications, including security and surveillance, human-computer interaction, and image processing.

4. Create Chatbots

Neural networks are being used more to create chatbots. A chatbot is a computer program that can mimic human conversation. It’s becoming increasingly popular as it can communicate with humans more naturally than traditional computer programs. Neural networks are well-suited to chatbots as the former can learn from sample conversations. This means that they can improve over time, becoming more realistic and human-like in their conversation.

There are many successful examples of chatbots powered by neural networks. They’re created both by huge and independent developers.

As chatbots become more realistic, they're also becoming more useful. They can be used for customer service, providing information and support to users. They can also be used to provide entertainment, such as playing games or telling jokes. The potential applications of chatbots powered by neural networks are endless. In the future, they may become even more lifelike and ubiquitous, providing us companionship, assistance, and entertainment daily.

5. Utilize In Stock Market Prediction

Neural networks can be trained using large amounts of data, making them very useful for solving complex problems wherein there’s no standard solution or it's hard to find the optimal solution. This is why artificial neural networks have been applied to various stock market prediction problems with success in recent years. Neural networks are well-suited to this task because they can learn non-linear relationships and handle a large amount of data.

Technical analysis is one successful application of neural networks in stock market prediction. Technical analysis is a method of predicting future price movements based on past price data. Neural networks have been used to create technical analysis models that can accurately predict market price movements.

Another area where neural networks have been applied to stock market prediction is in the development of trading strategies. Neural networks can be used to develop trading strategies that account for various factors, such as price history, news headlines, and economic indicators. These models are effective in generating profitable trading strategies.

Overall, neural networks have proven to be valuable in stock market prediction. They're able to learn complex relationships and handle large amounts of data. This makes them well-suited for a variety of stock market prediction tasks.

6. Develop Fraud Detection And Prevention Services 

Neural networks are today used in the development of fraud detection applications. This is vital today as hackers are increasingly developing more complicated ways to commit financial fraud. Some companies use neural networks to provide real-time fraud analysis, which helps boost profit margins. This is also applied in data mining, for instance, cluster analysis and machine learning, which guides the development of predictive models that help mitigate fraud losses.  

7. Assist Data Modelling Services

Neural networks are powerful tools for data modelling. This means they can be used to build models that can predict future events, identify patterns, and provide insight into complex data sets. Neural networks are well-suited for a variety of applications, including:

  • Predicting consumer behaviour: Neural networks can be used to build models that predict how consumers will behave. This information can be used to make better marketing decisions, design better products, and improve customer service.
  • Identifying fraud: Neural networks can be used to identify patterns of fraud. This valuable information can be used to prevent fraud and protect consumers.
  • Improving decision-making: Neural networks can be used to build models that help organizations make better decisions. This information can be used to improve operations, reduce costs, and increase revenue. 


Neural networks get their inspiration from the human brain and are an interesting technological advancement. This guide has enlightened you on how to use neural networks for software development in the areas of speech recognition, national language processing, face recognition, and others.

John May
Neural networks scientist
John May is a scientist with extensive experience in the subject of neural networks. He enjoys sharing his expertise and experience by writing informative blog posts on the topic. During his free time, John loves spending time with his family, hiking, boating, camping, and fishing.

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How To Use Neural Networks For Software Development